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The Channel habitat atlas for marine resource management (CHARM): an aid for planning and decision-making in an area under strong anthropogenic pressure ArchiMer
Martin, C. S.; Carpentier, Andre; Vaz, Sandrine; Coppin, Franck; Curet, L.; Dauvin, J. -c.; Delavenne, Juliette; Dewarumez, J. -m.; Dupuis, L.; Engelhard, G.; Ernande, Bruno; Foveau, A.; Garcia, C.; Gardel, Laure; Harrop, S.; Just, R.; Koubbi, P.; Lauria, Valentina; Meaden, G. J.; Morin, Jocelyne; Ota, Y.; Rostiaux, Emilie; Smith, R.; Spilmont, N.; Verin, Yves; Villanueva, Ching-maria; Warembourg, Caroline.
The eastern English Channel, the narrow channel of water separating northern France and southeast England is an area of intense human use of the array of resources concentrated into its relative small area. The vulnerability of living resources and their habitats brought together French and British maritime experts within a common project (called CHARM): to create an atlas of marine resource habitats in the eastern English Channel so as to provide planners and decision-makers with the necessary information to help managing the use of its living and non-living resources. This multidisciplinary and richly illustrated atlas provides abundant information on the legal framework and physical environment; benthic invertebrates, fish and their habitats; fishing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern English Channel; Dover Strait; Benthos; Fish; Habitat; Ecosystem; Marine spatial planning; Fisheries; Legislation; Trophic network; Food web; GIS; Geographic Information System.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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