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Plio-Quaternary prograding clinoform wedges of the western Gulf of Lion continental margin (NW Mediterranean) after the Messinian Salinity Crisis ArchiMer
Lofi, Johanna; Rabineau, Marina; Gorini, Christian; Berne, Serge; Clauzon, Georges; De Clarens, Philippe; Dos Reis, Tadeu; Mountain, Gregory; Ryan, William; Steckler, Michael; Fouchet, Christine.
In contrast to the much-studied onshore and deep offshore post-Messinian sedimentary history of the Gulf of Lion, the continental shelf had been poorly explored until recently. New seismic data, acquired by ELF Oil Company on the Languedoc-Roussillon shelf (Western Mediterranean Sea), from Cap Creus in the SW to Cap d'Agde in the NE, together with data from previously drilled exploratory wells, allow us to propose a scenario for margin reconstruction following the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The seismic data display a complex pattern of prograding clinoforms and buried submarine canyons. Following the crisis that eroded the previous margin, clinoforms developed as the new Pliocene margin prograded. Three major periods characterize the evolution of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plio Quaternary; Messinian Salinity Crisis; Submarine canyon; Progradation; Clinoform; Gulf of Lion margin; Mediterranean Sea.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Transform continental margins – Part 2: A worldwide review ArchiMer
Mercier De Lepinay, Marion; Loncke, Lies; Basile, Christophe; Roest, Walter; Patriat, Martin; Maillard, Agnes; De Clarens, Philippe.
We present a global inventory of transform continental margins, based on both a worldwide comparison of continent-ocean boundary identifications with oceanic fracture zones traces, and a compilation of published regional studies. This inventory increases the number of identified transform margins from 29 to 78. These margins represent 16% of continental margins in cumulative length and 31% of non-convergent margins. We include morphological data, published upper crustal sections, continent to ocean transition locations and published Moho shape data in the new database. This review confirms that continent to ocean transitions are sharper at transform margins than at divergent margins. It also emphasizes the structural diversity of transform margins....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Transform margin; Continental margin physiography; Marginal ridge; Marginal plateau.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Crustal structure of the East-African Limpopo Margin, a strike-slip rifted corridor along the continental Mozambique Coastal Plain and North-Natal Valley ArchiMer
Evain, Mikael; Schnurle, Philippe; Lepretre, Angelique; Verrier, Fanny; Watremez, Louise; Thompson, Joseph Offei; De Clarens, Philippe; Aslanian, Daniel; Moulin, Maryline.
Deep seismic acquisitions and a new kinematic study recently highlighted the presence of continental crust in both the southern Mozambique's Coastal Plain (MCP) and further offshore in the North Natal Valley (NNV). Such findings falsify previous geodynamic scenarios based on the kinematic overlap between Antarctica and Africa plates, thus profoundly impacting our understanding East-Gondwana break-up. Using an updated position of Antarctica with respect to Africa this study reconsider the formation mechanism of East-African margins and most specifically of the Limpopo margin (LM). Coincident wide-angle and multi-channel seismic data acquired within the PAMELA project are processed to image the sedimentary and deep crustal structure along a profile that runs...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2021 URL:
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