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Ecology of neotropical mistletoes: an important canopy-dwelling component of Brazilian ecosystems Acta Botanica
Arruda,Rafael; Fadini,Rodrigo Ferreira; Carvalho,Lucélia Nobre; Del-Claro,Kleber; Mourão,Fabiana Alves; Jacobi,Claudia Maria; Teodoro,Grazielle Sales; Berg,Eduardo van den; Caires,Claudenir Simões; Dettke,Greta Aline.
Mistletoes have been studied in temperate countries regularly because they can be pests of cultivated plants and forest plantations. In comparison with temperate habitats, little is known about the ecology of mistletoes in the Neotropics. More emphasis should be given to neotropical mistletoes because they could be important elements of plant communities, acting as key resources for pollinators, seed dispersers and herbivores. Using a combination of findings from early mistletoe studies and empirical evidence from several recent case studies, we report emerging patterns of mistletoe interactions with associated organisms and propose aims for further studies. There has been increasing interest in working with mistletoes in Brazil. Although there are some...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hemiparasites; Biological conservation; Host specificity; Host compatibility.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Updates on extratropical region climbing plant flora: news regarding a still-neglected diversity Acta Botanica
Durigon,Jaqueline; Sperotto,Patrícia; Ferreira,Priscila Porto Alegre; Dettke,Greta Aline; Záchia,Renato Aquino; Farinaccio,Maria Ana; Seger,Guilherme Dubal dos Santos; Miotto,Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia.
ABSTRACT Most studies concerning climbing plants have focused on lianas, forest ecosystems, and tropical regions. Thus, the majority of existing information is not relevant to all climbing plants (lianas and vines) or all ecoregions of the world (forested and non-forested). We provide an update on floristic and distributional data available for climbing plants in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, which is located within subtropical and temperate zones and includes a variety of forest and non-forest vegetation types. A total of 448 climbing plant species were confirmed and documented by voucher specimens, revealing a diversity similar to that registered for trees in the state (533). The significant contribution of climbing species to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest biome; Climbers; Lianas; Non-forest ecosystems; Pampa biome; Subtropical flora; Vines.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Tipos de aberturas dos grãos de pólen de espécies de Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae) Acta Botanica
Dettke,Greta Aline; Santos,Rinaldo Pires dos.
Estudos palinológicos revelam uma ampla variação de formas, número e tipos de aberturas nos grãos de pólen em Passiflora. Este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar as aberturas polínicas de onze espécies do gênero ocorrentes no Rio Grande do Sul e duas em Santa Catarina (Brasil), pertencentes a três dos quatro subgêneros atualmente reconhecidos: Astrophea, Decaloba e Passiflora. Foram utilizadas várias técnicas de microscopia óptica de campo claro e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Passiflora haematostigma (Astrophea) possui grãos de pólen 6-colporados, com três endoaberturas lalongadas. Passiflora alata, P. amethystina, P. caerulea e P. edulis (Passiflora) apresentam pólen 6-colpados, com fusões das ectoaberturas, aos pares, na região do apocolpo....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Passiflora; Tipos aperturais; Pseudopérculo; Opérculo; Palinologia.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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