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Reviews 16
Bas, C.; Donk, M.A..
The genus Hygrophorus is perhaps one of the most attractive among the genera of the Agaricales. It is surprising, therefore, that no full treatment of this genus in Europe has ever been published. Doubtless, European mycologists will be strongly stimulated by this American monograph in which 244 taxa are described and 116 illustrated by excellent black and white photographs. Of these 244 taxa, 41 are new to science: about 65 occur also in Europe. The European mycologist will be astonished by the strikingly high number of taxa in this monograph. The “Flore analytique” of Kühner & Romagnesi covers 80 species and varieties of Hygrophorus and there are 86 in the second edition of Moser’s “Die Röhrlinge, Blätter- und Bauchpilze”. Though the actual number of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1965 URL:
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Matatti’s generic names for fungi 16
Donk, M.A..
The generic names for fungi used by Maratti in his ‘Flora romana’ must be accepted as validly published. Notes are given on the validly re-published names. Of these Agaricum and Coralloides may cause some difficulties. Conservation of Fomes (Fr.) Fr. against Agaricum [Mich.] Maratti is proposed. To the nomina rejicienda of the conserved name Ramaria (Fr.) Bon. Coralloides [Tourn.] Maratti should be added.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1975 URL:
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A reassessment of the Cyphellaceae 16
Donk, M.A..
A suitable subtitle for this paper would have been “The rise and fall of a family”. What is usually called the Cyphellaceae is an instructive example of a situation not uncommonly encountered in the current systematics of mycology: a family retained in a traditional sense by some mycologists and considered by them as good a family as any, while others are convinced that it is nothing but a handy bin from which part of the contents has already been taken out and disposed of by scattering it over various groups, but which is still needed for keeping what remains. We do not yet know what to do with this considerable remainder, mainly because the published accounts are inadequate and the species have not yet been scrutinized anew in the light of present-day...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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Notes on the Basidium—II 16
Donk, M.A..
Some critical remarks are made on the treatment of the basidium in a recently published handbook on cryptogams by M. Chadefaud.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Paullicorticium curiosum, presumably an imperfect state 16
Donk, M.A..
Paullicorticium curiosum Parm. werd beschreven als een primitieve vertegenwoordiger van de Corticiaceae. Een nauwgezette studie van de beschrijving en de figuren liet echter weinig twijfel, dat het hier ging om een conidiaal stadium van een soort van Hyphoderma Wallr. emend. Donk, waarschijnlijk H. populneum (Peck) Donk of een nauw verwante soort. De nieuwe combinatie Oedocephalum curiosum (Parm.) Donk wordt voorgesteld.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1971 URL:
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Notes on ‘Cyphellaceae’—II 16
Donk, M.A..
The author introduces two new genera, Mniopetalum Donk & Sing, (based on a new species, M. globisporum Donk) and Episphaeria Donk (based on Cyphella fraxinicola Berk. & Br.). Three other genera in an emended circumscription are discussed: Stigmatolemma Kalchbr., Phaeosolenia Speg., and Cyphellopsis Donk. Rhodocyphella W. Cooke is reduced to the synonymy of Stigmatolemma; and Maireina (Pilát) W. Cooke, to the rank of a section of Cyphellopsis, which is tentatively considered to consist of a single complex species for which the name Cyphella monacha Speg. apud Roum. is temporarily used. New combinations are made in Mniopetalum (1), Episphaeria (1), Stigmatolemma (3), Phaeosolenia (2). Most of these names are used (but not validly published) in a...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Notes on ‘Cyphellaceae’.—I 16
Donk, M.A..
The author regards the Cyphellaceae as an artificial family. He redefines it for practical purposes, suggesting the gradual removal of those elements that show relationship with other groups; several elements are referable to the Corticiaceae or the agarics. A list of the ‘cyphellaceous’ generic names tentatively included is given. The genera to be excluded from the family as defined are briefly discussed. The same applies to a long series of specific names that had or have been included. A historic chapter reviews some important developments in regard with some of the older genera, Solenia, Cyphella, Aleurodiscus, as well as the rise of the family. Some species are transferred to Aleurodiscus Rab. ex J. Schroet.; Cytidia Quél. is redefined and...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Racodium Pers. not a genus of Lichenes 16
Donk, M.A..
Racodium Pers. per Fr. 1821 (starting-point date of nomenclature, 1821) has to be typified by Racodium cellare Pers., which makes it a genus of imperfect fungi (Deuteromycetes). Even if Racodium Fr. 1829 is accepted as a genus nomenclatively distinct from Racodium Pers. per Fr. 1821 and as such is referred to the (imperfect) lichens (starting-point date, 1753), it still must be rejected as a later homonym. Zasmidium Fr. 1849 is another name for Racodium Pers. ex. Fr. 1821 and a later synonym of it. For the lichen genus Racodium Fr. 1829 the substitute name Rhacodiopsis Donk, nom. nov. is introduced and for its type species the name Rhacodiopsis rupestris (Pers. per. S. F. Gray) Donk, comb. nov.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Notes on Cantharellus sect. Leptocantharellus 16
Donk, M.A..
Cantharellus sect. Leptocantharellus Peck is an earlier name for Cantharellus subgen. Phaeocantharellus Corner. The European species fall apart in two groups (Lepto-Plicati and Lepto-Phlebini) on the basis of the hymenophoral configuration. Most of the older names provided in profusion for the few European species of the section are scrutinized for the correctness of their application. The author prefers the name Cantharellus tubaeformis Fr. 1821 for what is often treated as two (or more) species, C. tubaeformis and C. infundibuliformis; he selects the name C. xanthopus (Pers.) Duby for Craterellus lutescens sensu Fr. Attention is drawn to what may appear to be a distinct species, viz. C. melanoxeros Desm.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1969 URL:
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The generic names proposed for Polyporaceae 16
Donk, M.A..
The family is taken in a broad, artificial sense, but exclusive of the Boletaceae and ‘Meruliaceae’ sensu lato. Of the generic names treated 229 are considered validly published, 37 not validly published, and 6 are excluded. Of each name details are given on various nomenclatorial aspects such as valid publication, typification, homonymy, status (legitimacy). The new combinations Flaviporus brownei (Humb. per Pers.) Donk and Xerotinus afer (Fr.) Donk are proposed. Attention is drawn to brief remarks made in connection with Elmerina cladophora (Berk.) Bres., Polyporus scabrosus Pers., Chaetoporus tenuis P. Karst., Polyporus medulla-panis (Jacq.) per Fr.; to the synonymy listed of Merulius alveolaris DC. and Hexagonia mori Pollini; to the valid publication...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1960 URL:
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The mycological publications of K. B. Boedijn 16
Donk, M.A..
After a distinguished career as a collaborator of Prof. Hugo de Vries, the famous geneticist, Karel Bernard Boedijn (born June 29, 1893, at Amsterdam) became a mycologist, and it is in this latter capacity that he will be primarily remembered. He had already started to pay attention to the fungi during his Amsterdam period when C. van Overeem, Miss D. M. G. de Haas (who later married van Overeem), and Boedijn banded together and called themselves the “Mycologisch Museum te Weesp”. They started building up a collection which, however, never became very big. After some years van Overeem accepted a position in the Herbarium of the Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg (now Bogor) in Java, where he died after a short but active period (1921-1927). The collections on...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1965 URL:
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Notes on European polypores-III. Notes on species with stalked fruitbody 16
Donk, M.A..
For the most part the species or specific names discussed belong to the genus Polyporus sensu stricto; a few of them belong to Albatrellus S. F. Gray and Coltricia S. F. Gray. It appears not only that the taxonomy of many species is far from settled but also that quite a number of protologues have never been scrutinized with care. Here an attempt is made to emend the names of a number of species. Further studies are needed before some of these species can be definitively delimitated and their nomenclature determined. Polyporus agariceus (König) ex Berk. sensu Bourd. & G. is called P. anisoporus Mont.; P. picipes Fr., P. badius (Pers.) ex S. F. Gray; P. lentus Berk, and allied forms are referred to P. floccipes Rostk., &c. A recapitulation at the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1969 URL:
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Four new families of Hymenomycetes 16
Donk, M.A..
Four new families are proposed, viz. Bankeraceae, excluded from the Thelephoraceae trib. Hydnelleae; Echinodontiaceae; Gomphaceae, for the Clavariaceae trib. Ramarieae in an emended circumscription; and Clavulinaceae, a former tribe raised in rank.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1961 URL:
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The generic names proposed for Polyporaceae. Additions and corrections 16
Donk, M.A..
This paper contains some additional information and discussions as well as corrections of statements and of facts recorded in a previously published paper entitled “The generic names proposed for Polyporaceae”.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Revision der niederländischen Homobasidiomycetae-Aphyllophoraceae 16
Donk, M.A..
In dieser Arbeit gebe ich den zweiten Teil einer Revision der niederländischen Heterobasidiomyceten und Homobasidiomyceten -Aphyllophoraceen. Der erste Teil, der in holländischer Sprache erschien (Mededeelingen Nederl. Myc. Vereeniging Bd. 18—20, 1931), war in Anlage und Behandlung kürzer gehalten. Auch diesmal beruht die Bearbeitung auf denselben Sammlungen, wie die Revision usw. von Oudemans und die darauf folgenden Veröffentlichungen hauptsächlich von der Hand von Frl. C. Cool in den Mededeelingen van de Nederlandsche Mycologische Vereeniging. Es stellte sich nämlich heraus, dass ein grosser Teil des Materials, auf dem diese Arbeiten basieren, in mehr oder weniger gutem Zustande erhalten geblieben war. Ausserdem habe ich selber im Laufe der Jahre, in...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1933 URL:
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Check list of European hymenomycetous Heterobasidiae. Supplement and corrections 16
Donk, M.A..
This continuation of the “Check list of European hymenomycetous Heterobasidiae” (published in Persoonia 4: 145-335. 1966) contains supplementary matter as well as corrections. — Ypsilonidium (Donk) Donk is published as a new genus. Two new specific combinations are made with this generic name. — Muribasidiospora Rajendren is at least tentatively reduced to Exobasidium. — Following Parmasto, Exobasidiellum Donk is removed from the Tulasnellales.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Notes on European polypores-II. Notes on Poria 16
Donk, M.A..
A note on lampro- and skeletocystidia and the introduction of the new term ‘gloeoplerous hyphae’ for the hyphal system that often produces the gloeocystidia in the hymenium is followed by a historical survey of the generic names proposed for resupinate and effused polypores (the so-called porias) and by an enumeration of these names and their type species together with a key to these species as far as they occur in Europe. Emended descriptions are given for Chaetoporellus Bond. & S., Chaetoporus P. Karst., and Schizopora Velen., while the name Perenniporia Murrill is re-introduced for the group of Poria medulla-panis sensu Pers., the species now often taken as type of the name Poria Pers. per S. F. Gray. It is proposed that this last-mentioned name be...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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Notes on European Polypores—VIII 16
Donk, M.A..
In an analysis of the history of the names Polyporus frondosus (Dicks.) per Fr. and P. intybaceus Fr. the author delves back as far as 1552; he concludes that the two taxa were introduced for a single species. — The genus Oligoporus Bref. is restored and its type species ( O. farinosus Bref.) identified with both Polyporus rennyi B. & Br. and Ptychogaster citrinus Boud. — One new specific combination is made in each of the following genera: Oligoporus Bref., and Pycnoporellus Murrill. — 15 specific names are discussed for different reasons.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1971 URL:
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Notes on the basidium 16
Donk, M.A..
The terminology of the basidium became complicated when Neuhoff (1924: 256) introduced the term epibasidium for various extensions (exclusive of sterigma-tips) from basidia. Such diverse organs as (i) extensions from probasidia, like the four-celled body producing the sterigmata in Auricularia Bull, ex Mérat, and (ii) extensions from metabasidia, like the sterigmata (minus tips) of Tremella Fr. and Tulasnella J. Schroet., all became epibasidia. Neuhoff’s views were enthusiastically defended by Rogers (1934), then a pupil of Dr G.W. Martin, and they have been upheld by Martin himself (1938) and other mycologists of his school, which concerns itself particularly with the Heterobasidiae. Neuhoff’s terminology has been rejected or criticized by various...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1958 URL:
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A conspectus of the families of Aphyllophorales 16
Donk, M.A..
The author gives a recapitulation of the families of the Aphyllophorales. He is inclined to recognize 21: the families he is not (yet) prepared to uphold are discussed. The synonymy of the order and the families above the rank of genus is listed, but it is avowedly incomplete. The treatment of each family does not go further than the mention of the included genera, but through selected references cited for each genus in a special list, an introduction to the separate genera is provided. An introductory chapter contains some general remarks and discusses a number of terms used in connection with the treatment of the families. New taxa are, Brachybasidiales, Hericiaceae, Punctulariaceae, Asterostromatoideae, Pteruloideae, while the name Septobasidiales Couch...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1964 URL:
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