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Degradation of lignosulfonic and tannic acids by ligninolytic soil fungi cultivated under icroaerobic conditions BABT
Silva,Isis Serrano; Menezes,Cristiano Ragagnin de; Franciscon,Elisangela; Santos,Eder da Costa dos; Durrant,Lucia Regina.
Soil fungi were evaluated regarding their ability to degrade lignin-related compounds by producing the ligninolytic enzymes. Lignosulfonic and tannic acids were used as sole carbon sources during 30 days under microaerobic and very-low-oxygen conditions. The fungi produced lignin-peroxidase, manganese-peroxidase and laccase . Expressive degradations was observed by C18 reversed-phase HPLC, indicating the biodegradation potential of these fungi, showing more advantages than obligate anaerobes to decontaminate the environment when present naturally.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lignosulfonic acid; Tannic acid; Ligninolytic enzymes; Microaerobic conditions; Soil fungi.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Reducing COD level on oily effluent by utilizing biosurfactant-producing bacteria BABT
Jacobucci,Daniela Franco Carvalho; Oriani,Maria Raquel de Godoy; Durrant,Lucia Regina.
Two bacteria isolated from crude oil contaminated soil, Pantoea agglomerans and Planococcus citreus, produced biosurfactants utilizing 1.5% of kerosene and olive oil as the sole carbon sources, respectively. The bacteria and the biosurfactants produced were introduced to oily effluent, arising from margarine and soap industry. Emulsification activities were determined by increases in the absorbance of the oil-in-water emulsions at 610 nm, whereas the water-in-oil emulsions were expressed as the height (cm) of the emulsion layers formed. The 72 h incubation experiment resulted in a COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) reduction of 76% with Planococcus citreus strain and 70% with Pantoea agglomerans.The COD reduction with bacterial biosurfactants was over 50% in 24...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biosurfactants; Bacteria; COD; Oily effluent; Bioremediation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Production and characterization of surface-active compounds from Gordonia amicalis BABT
Jackisch-Matsuura,Ani Beatriz; Santos,Leonardo Silva; Eberlin,Marcos Nogueira; Faria,Andréia Fonseca de; Matsuura,Takeshi; Grossman,Matthew James; Durrant,Lucia Regina.
Two methods were used to make crude preparations of surface-active compounds (SACs) produced by Gordonia amicalis grown on the medium containing 1% diesel oil. Using a 2:1 (v/v) solution of chloroform:methanol for extraction, Type I SACs were isolated and shown to produce oil in water (O/W) emulsions. Type II SACs were isolated by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and produced predominantly water in oil emulsions (W/O). The crude Type I and II preparations were able to produce a significant reduction in the surface tension of water; however, the crude Type II preparation had 10-25 fold higher emulsification activity than the Type I preparation. Both SAC preparations were analyzed by the TLC and each produced two distinct bands with Rf 0.44 and 0.62 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bioemulsifier; Bioremediation; Biosurfactant; Gordonia amicalis; Industrial chemicals; Microbial surfactant production.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Xilooligossacarídeos: produção, aplicações e efeitos na saúde humana Ciência Rural
Menezes,Cristiano Ragagnin de; Durrant,Lucia Regina.
Os xilooligossacarídeos são açúcares não-convencionais (oligômeros formados por unidades de xilose), não-calóricos e não são metabolizados pelo organismo humano. São considerados prebióticos, uma vez que promovem seletivamente o crescimento de probióticos como Lactobacillus sp. e Bifidobacterium bifidum, promovendo uma série de benefícios à saúde humana, como a redução da constipação intestinal, a promoção da digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, a prevenção de infecções gastrintestinais e a inibição do crescimento de microrganismos patogênicos. Este artigo de revisão demonstra a produção de xilooligossacarídeos, tendo como fonte materiais lignocelulósicos, através de métodos químicos e enzimáticos, e também a sua aplicação como ingredientes em alimentos,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Xilooligossacarídeos; Prebiótico; Efeitos benéficos.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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