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Modelling N2 fixation related to Trichodesmium sp.: driving processes and impacts on primary production in the tropical Pacific Ocean ArchiMer
Dutheil, Cyril; Aumont, Olivier; Gorgues, Thomas; Lorrain, Anne; Bonnet, Sophie; Rodier, Martine; Dupouy, Cecile; Shiozaki, Takuhei; Menkes, Christophe.
Dinitrogen fixation is now recognized as one of the major sources of bio-available nitrogen in the ocean. Thus, N2 fixation sustains a significant part of the global primary production by supplying the most common limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth. The Oligotrophy to UlTra-oligotrophy PACific Experiment (OUTPACE) improved the data coverage of the western tropical South Pacific, an area recently recognized as a hotspot of N2 fixation. This new development leads us to develop and test an explicit N2 fixation formulation based on the Trichodesmium physiology (the most studied nitrogen fixer) within a 3-D coupled dynamical–biogeochemical model (ROMS-PISCES). We performed a climatological numerical simulation that is able to reproduce the main physical...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Rapport des campagnes MARACAS 7 & 8 ArchiMer
Garrigue, Claire; Bonneville, Claire; Derville, Solène; Allain, Valérie; Aucan, Jérôme; Bourgogne, Hugo; Bachelier, Celine; Dutheil, Cyril; Grelet, Jacques; Laran, Sophie; Menkes, Christophe; Niksic, Sara; Pallin, Logan; Pérard, Véronique; Portal, Annie; Receveur, Aurore; Renaud, Armelle; Roger, Jean; Varillon, David; Vourey, Elodie.
En 2014 le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Caledonie a cree le parc naturel de la mer de Corail, l'une des plus grandes zones protegees au monde. Afin de renseigner les zones de conservation prioritaires et de faciliter la mise en place de mesures qui puissent efficacement proteger la megafaune marine, il est necessaire d'acquerir des informations sur sa distribution et l'usage des habitats. C'est pourquoi en 2016, l'IRD a lance le programme WHERE1 qui vise a explorer la distribution spatiale et l'habitat des baleines a bosse pour ameliorer leur gestion spatiale dans le parc naturel de la mer de Corail. Les principaux objectifs du programme WHERE consistent a etablir la distribution des baleines a bosse au sein du parc naturel de la mer de Corail, a evaluer la...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Impact of surface temperature biases on climate change projections of the South Pacific Convergence Zone ArchiMer
Dutheil, Cyril; Bador, M.; Lengaigne, M.; Lefèvre, J.; Jourdain, N. C.; Vialard, J.; Jullien, Swen; Peltier, A.; Menkes, C..
The South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) is poorly represented in global coupled simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), with trademark biases such as the tendency to form a “double Intertropical convergence zone” and an equatorial cold tongue that extends too far westward. Such biases limit our confidence in projections of the future climate change for this region. In this study, we use a downscaling strategy based on a regional atmospheric general circulation model that accurately captures the SPCZ present-day climatology and interannual variability. More specifically, we investigate the sensitivity of the projected rainfall response to either just correcting present-day CMIP5 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) biases or...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Regional climate models; South Pacific Convergence Zone; Precipitation; Sea Surface Temperature.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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