Registros recuperados: 25 | |
Dresscher, Th.G.N.; Engel, H.. |
Two species of leeches only have been collected by dr HUMMELINCK in 1936—1937, but these are important as they evidently prove the occurrence in warm tropical waters of species hitherto only recorded from non-tropical areas. Helobdella scutifera is distinguished from H. stagnalis by AUTRUM, 1936, p. 26 and 34, though PAWLOWSKY (cf. AUTRUM 1939, Bronns Kl. u. Ordn., Hirudineae 2, p. 500) considered them synonymous. AUTRUM (l. c. p. 500 and footnote) remarks that H. stagnalis is not known from tropical localities, supposing the habitats in Ecuador, Brasil and Paraguay perhaps to be non-tropical because of their particular position. Our material, however, shows affinities to both species and tends to affirm the identity of H. stagnalis and H. scutifera. It is... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1948 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/506160 |
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Dresscher, Th.G.N.; Engel, H.; Spoel, S. van der. |
Es wird Xerobdella-Material aus 11 neuen Fundorten in Jugoslawien erwähnt. Wir wissen leider noch nicht genug über die Variabilität der beiden Xerobdella-Arten (X. lecomtei und X. anulata) um mit Sicherheit sagen zu können ob hier zwei Arten oder zwei Subspecies einer Art vorliegen. Je mehr Exemplare bekannt werden, desto grösser erscheint die Variabilität. Es ist nicht sicher ob wirklich bei allen als X. lecomtei beschriebenen Tieren genau die Zahl der Ringe zwischen den Genitalöffnungen gezählt worden ist. Unsere Exemplare zeigen 4 bis 5 Ringe, während Autrum nur 4½ Ringe für X. anulata angab, dagegen 3 bis 3½ Ringe für X. lecomtei. Vorläufig nennen wir unsere Tiere darum Xerobdella anulata Autrum, 1958, die vermutlich südlich der Julischen Alpen vorkomme. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1966 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505169 |
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Engel, H.. |
In preparing a small Handbook of the Netherlands Opisthobranchiate Mollusca (Fauna van Nederland, Afl. VIII, Sijthoff, Leiden, 1936), in cooperation with Miss Tera van Benthem Jutting, the present author studied, as his part of the work, the Nudibranchia. As some results of his studies might be of more general interest, they are given here. The southern North-Sea is rather poor in animal life and it is always interesting to note, what species can live under the rather bad ecological conditions it affords. The number of species diminishes further as one enters the Waddenzee or (before 1932) the Zuiderzee. Though as a rule the sandy Dutch coasts are not suitable for Nudibranchs, there are found some on the stone-covered dikes and quays, on the wooden... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1936 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318327 |
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Engel, H.. |
In March 1958 Dr. J. H. WESTERMANN and Mr. H. KIEL collected some fossil Echinids on the islands of St. Kitts and St. Eustatius. The fossils of St. Kitts were found in a yellow limestone (sample nr. 42), situated on the west flank of Brimstone Hill, belonging to a series of peculiar-looking upturned sedimentary beds, occurring around a volcanic plug (MARTIN-KAYE, 1959). According to C. T. TRECHMANN (1932) the fauna of these beds is put down as Pliocene, possibly late Pliocene. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1961 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504795 |
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Engel, H.. |
Diagnosis. Aplysiidae of conical form, narrower in front, wide and obliquely truncate behind. Integument more or less warty, the warts bearing villi; warts and villi being wholly retractile. Parapodia united, save for a dorsal slit; the free lobes covering the slit leave two conspicuous respiratory openings, one at the posterior and one at the anterior 'end. The posterior respiratory opening, corresponding to the mantle-siphon, lies about in the middle of the posterior disc, the anterior opening outside the disc, somewhat in front of the disc's anterior margin. Shell solid, hatchetshaped, the free spire calloused. Penis armed or unarmed. Radula with inconspicuous, often reduced rhachidian tooth and many laterals with long simple cusps. Short history of the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318863 |
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Engel, H.. |
At the request of the Curator of the paleontological collections of Teyler’s Museum, Haarlem, two tests are described belonging to the old collection, described by T.C. Winkler in the ”Catalogue systématique de la collection paléontologique de la Musée Teyler”, Haarlem, 1864, p. 196 under Nr. 10980 as “Cidaris spec.” from Maastricht. Dr. C. O. van Regteren Altena, because they proved to belong to a new species, registered them under the new Nr. 16053. No exact layer in the Cretaceous is mentioned, as stated below they may belong to remaniated Eocene material. For the genus Scutellina L. Agassiz, 1841, we refer to Mortensen’s Monograph of the Eohinoidea IV, 2, 1948, p. 229, and to J. Wyatt Durham’s chapter on the Clypeasteroids in R.C. Moore’s Treatise on... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1976 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505271 |
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Engel, H.. |
Up to now the genus Holectypus Desor (1842, p. 52) 1847, (cf. Mortensen, 1948, Monogr. IV 1, p. 26) in its restricted sense (with 4 genital pores) has not been recorded from the Senonian. So the two specimens described below as H. boschmai nov. spec. may have been remaniated and finally deposited in the Senonian of South-Limburg. They then may belong to the Jurassic species H. corallinus d'Orbigny, 1850. Though the preservation of two other specimens of Holectypus from the Limburg Senonian does not permit to decide whether a fifth genital pore is present, it is presumed there was. These two specimens are described as H. macrostomus nov. spec. As said, up to now no Senonian Holectypus is known with 4 genital pores. Holectypus boschmai nov. spec. (pl. XIV)... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22; 42.72. |
Ano: 1964 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/319219 |
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Engel, H.. |
In May 1938 I had the opportunity to observe seven living Aplysia depilans in the Zoological Station Naples. Notes on the size and colour were made and different methods of preservation were tried. As one often wonders how much of the original colour pattern has been preserved in museum specimens of Aplysia, it seems important to give the result of the comparison of the living specimens as studied in 1938 and the same specimens after 18 years of preservation, in 1956. The best way of preservation appears to be killing in diluted alcohol as specimen nr. V shows. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504701 |
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Engel, H.. |
If during one’s work one comes across certain names again and again, names of old collectors, of one’s colleagues in earlier days, who with their private museums laid the foundation of our scientific institutions, one naturally becomes keen on knowing more about them. The results of this curiosity, collected by and by in spare time and sometimes too in time stolen from other more serious occupations, are given here to the public in the hope that they may meet their interest. As to me I thought it a pleasure and certainly worth the trouble. I first collected all that I could find in a casual way and at last I hunted for them more systematically, until the time came that circumstances put an end to it. Incomplete though this list may be, I now send it to the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504656 |
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Engel, H.. |
1 specimen, Inhaca Island, Delagoa Bay near Lorenço Marques, coll. Prof. Dr. C. J. van der Horst. This animal closely resembles Ophioteresis elegans Bell, 1892 (Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 178, Pl. XI, Fig. 1—5) and Ophiothela tigris (Lyman, 1871, III. Catal. Mus. Comp. Zool. VI, p. 10 in Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. II), both described more in detail by MORTENSEN, 1913 (Mindeskrift for Japetus Steenstrup, X, København). See also SOLLAS, 1914, in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, ser. B, vol. 204, Pl. 9, Fig. 2. It differs, however, in having the skin of the upper side of the arms covered by rough thorny nodules, while the smooth grains on the upper side of the disc occur here only between the large radial shields. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1949 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504334 |
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Engel, H.. |
A beautifully preserved fragment of the test of a fossil Echinoid from the Maestrichtian Cretaceous, found at Belvédère, Caberg and kept in the Natuurhistorisch Museum, Maastricht under no. 1340, differs from the other species of the genus Phymosoma, hitherto described (cf. Fell & Pawson, 1966: U 395). It is a great pleasure to dedicate the description of this obviously new species to my friend and colleague Leo Brongersma in remembrance of the many and wide contacts we enjoyed since I tried and initiated him into the secrets of zoological museumwork, while as a student he occupied an ever increasing space in my room at the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam University. The fragment of this Phymosoma includes an ambulacrum and an interambulacrum and... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22; 42.72. |
Ano: 1972 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317972 |
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Engel, H.. |
After a short illness, Professor de Beaufort died at the age of 89 years at Amersfoort, near his country-home “De Hooge Kley” at Leusden. Born on the 23rd March 1879 at Leusden, Lieven Ferdinand de Beaufort was the son of the historian and statesman W. H. de Beaufort. Growing up on the beautiful estate “Den Treek”, the country-seat of his father, Lieven Ferdinand de Beaufort showed a great interest in nature from his earliest years. After completing his time at the Secondary School (Hogere Burger School) at Amersfoort and gaining additional qualifications in Latin and Greek, in 1899 he became a student at the University of Amsterdam where Max Weber and C. Ph. Sluiter taught zoology, Hugo de Vries and Ed. Verschaffelt botany, and Eug. Dubois geology and... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1969 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505174 |
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Engel, H.. |
Een feestnummer ter ere van het bereiken van de 70-jarige leeftijd, een mijlpaal, en wel een zeer belangrijke mijlpaal in verband met het daaraan onafwendbaar verbondene emeritaat, verlangt een korte terugblik op alles wat tot nu toe bereikt werd, een verantwoording tevens van de aard dezer publicatie, die een hulde wil zijn van allen, die met de geleerde in aanraking kwamen, als collega’s in binnen- en buitenland, als leerlingen, als vrienden allen. LIEVEN FERDINAND DE BEAUFORT werd geboren de 23e Maart 1879 te Leusden, als zoon van den staatsman en historicus Mr. W. H. DE BEAUFORT. Reeds vroeg trok hem de natuur, die hem door zijn opgroeien op het buiten „Den Treek” bij Amersfoort zo nabij was. Na de H.B.S. te Amersfoort en het z.g. Staatsexamen in 1899... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1949 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504078 |
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Engel, H.. |
Characterized by a small hemispherical test. Ambulacra with simple primaries; pores in a regular, simple series; nearly every ambulacral primary plate with a tubercle. Ambulacra hourglass-shaped, as they are narrower at the ambitus, while the interambulacrals are extraordinarily widened there, extra IA plates wedging in from the borders. IA plates low, each with a horizontal series of tubercles. No clear distinction between primary and secondary tubercles, no distinct vertical series of tubercles. Apical system unknown. Peristome rather large. Spines unknown. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1964 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505094 |
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Engel, H.. |
Since the time of the great geographical discoveries, since Henry the Navigator of Portugal and Christopher Columbus started to open up the whole world to the curiosity of naturalists, the Dutch and the English have played an important role in the explorations of the riches of God’s Nature. The Monarchs were the first to set up collections of animals and other natural curiosities from foreign tropical (and also arctic) countries and from everywhere. We need only remember Albrecht Dürer’s diary from 1520—1521, when he visited the Low Countries. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1961 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504216 |
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Engel, H.. |
Das Material dieser Untersuchung lieferten die 1920 von Dr. C. J. VAN DER HORST auf Curaçao gesammelten Opisthobranchiaten. Hier wird nur die einzige vom ihm gefundene Aeolidiade: Phidiana brevicauda nov. spec. besprochen. Dr. TH. MORTENSEN stellte mir eine Sammlung Opisthobranchien aus dem zoologischen Museum in Kopenhagen zur Verfügung, welche auch dem westindischen Meere entstammten. Darunter befand sich auch nur eine Aeolidiade: Berghia coerulescens Laur. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1925 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504558 |
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Engel, H.. |
Professor I. Q. van Regteren Altena was zoo vriendelijk mij een aantal teekeningen ter beschikking te stellen, die eens aan het huis Plantijn moeten toebehoord hebben. Immers, sommige daarvan hebben gediend als voorbeeld voor houtsneden in den Herbarius von Dodonaeus van 1618, gedrukt „t'Antwerpen in de Plantynsche Druckerye van Balthasar Moretus" (zie Engel, in: Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 53, 1943, p. 46-55). Wanneer men de fraaie teekeningen vergelijkt met de reproducties in het Cruydtboeck, is het opvallend, dat de teekeningen losser, zwieriger en natuurlijker zijn, terwijl de houtsneden allerlei wijzigingen vertoonen, die klaarblijkelijk aangebracht werden ten einde de figuur in het formaat van het houtblok te doen passen. Toch komen beide tot in finesses... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.81. |
Ano: 1945 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/319034 |
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Engel, H.. |
When Clark (1921) cleared the genus Linckia from superfluous synonyms, he could give no opinion on Linckia rosenbergi Von Martens 1866, p. 63 from Amboina. The unique holotype was in the Berlin Museum and hence not easily accessible to him, the species had not been described again. In his key Clark lays the stress on Von Martens' remark: "Die Porenfelder liegen zwischen den zwei Reihen grösserer Plättchen an der Armseite dicht aneinander, ohne alle Unterbrechung (wie bei Ophidiaster suturalis Müll. & Troschel), aber die Poren behalten dieselbe Anordnung in runde Gruppen (Felder) von circa 10 Poren bei". Clark interpreted this as follows: "Poriferous areas between superomarginals and inferomarginals in an unbroken, continuous series, more or less... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.72. |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318238 |
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Registros recuperados: 25 | |