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Simple homemade apparatus for harvesting uncultured magnetotactic microorganisms 58
Lins,Ulysses; Freitas,Flavia; Keim,Carolina Neumann; Barros,Henrique Lins de; Esquivel,Darci Motta S.; Farina,Marcos.
A simple apparatus for harvesting uncultured magnetotactic microorganisms is described. This apparatus consists of a glass container with two openings. A large opening on the topside is used to introduce the sediment and water. The sediment and water are previously stored in loosely capped bottles previously tested for the presence of magnetotactic bacteria. The apparatus is exposed to a properly aligned magnetic field of a homemade coil and the bacteria are removed through the capillary end of the second opening of the container. Harvested bacteria can then be used to ultrastrucutral studies using electron spectroscopic imaging. Large numbers of magnetotactic bacteria consisting of cocci and rod-shaped cells were efficiently collected from different...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Magnetotactic bacteria; Harvesting uncultured bacteria; Electron microscopy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Zinc detoxification by a cyanobacterium from a metal contaminated bay in Brazil 52
Andrade,Luciana; Keim,Carolina N.; Farina,Marcos; Pfeiffer,Wolfgang C..
We describe here the trapping of zinc in polyphosphate granules of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis aquatilis NPBS-3. Cells were cultured in 25 µM of zinc chloride and prepared for electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Some ultrastructural features were changed by zinc exposure, the increase of glycogen granules number being the main change. The polyphosphate granules contained phosphorus, sulphur, calcium, iron and zinc. The trapping of zinc in polyphosphate granules seemed to be an effective way of detoxifying the metal and surviving in the bay. As a non-specific mechanism, these polyphosphate granules could also be effective in trapping other metals in excess.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Heavy metals; Zinc; Sepetiba Bay; Polyphosphate granules; Glycogen granules; Detoxification.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Crystal habits and magnetic microstructures of magnetosomes in coccoid magnetotactic bacteria 42
Lins,Ulysses; McCartney,Martha R.; Farina,Marcos; Frankel,Richard B.; Buseck,Peter R..
We report on the application of off-axis electron holography and high-resolution TEM to study the crystal habits of magnetosomes and magnetic microstructure in two coccoid morphotypes of magnetotactic bacteria collected from a brackish lagoon at Itaipu, Brazil. Itaipu-1, the larger coccoid organism, contains two separated chains of unusually large magnetosomes; the magnetosome crystals have roughly square projections, lengths up to 250 nm and are slightly elongated along [111] (width/length ratio of about 0.9). Itaipu-3 magnetosome crystals have lengths up to 120 nm, greater elongation along [111] (width/length ~0.6), and prominent corner facets. The results show that Itaipu-1 and Itaipu-3 magnetosome crystal habits are related, differing only in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Magnetite; Magnetotaxis; High-resolution transmission electron microscopy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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