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Répartition et organisation des foraminifères actuels dans le golfe de Kalloni (Grèce) ArchiMer
Favry, A; Guelorget, O; Debenay, Jp; Lefebvre, A; Perthuisot, Jp.
As part of a global investigation of foraminifera importance in the Mediterranean paralic realm, the distribution of present foraminifera in Kalloni Bay was studied through species determination and counting. From these basic data, density, species richness, Shannon Index and dominance were calculated for several stations covering the whole basin. In addition, a factorial analysis of correspondances between stations and species assemblages was performed. All these methods concur in showing that the organization of foraminifera populations follows sc principal longitudinal gradient from the entrance towards the most continental reaches and a subsidiary transverse gradient. When compared with sedimentological data, the distribution of foraminifera does not...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Foraminifera; Paralic; Confinement; Greece; Present.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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