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Fowlpox: identification and adoption of prophylactic measures in backyard chickens in Bahia, Brazil Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Silva,PS da; Batinga,T de B; Sales,TS; Herval,EFG; Ramos,I; Maia,PCC; Fernandes,LMB.
This paper describes the identification of an outbreak of fowlpox in backyard chickens in two villages the state of Bahia, the intervention strategy to control the disease by adopting health measures and vaccination, as well as the impact of the intervention. The diagnosis was based in clinical and laboratory data. After the diagnosis was confirmed, control measures and the vaccination of non-infected birds were recommended. Finally, the impact of the intervention on re-incidence of the disease was evaluated. A number of 700 chickens was vaccinated, after which only 9% of the farmers reported the occurrence of new cases, and 70% informed the acquisition of new birds after vaccination. The information reported in this paper can be useful to design strategic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Backyard chickens; Control and prevention; Fowlpox.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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