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Retracing the path of planar cell polarity ArchiMer
Schenkelaars, Quentin; Fierro-constain, Laura; Renard, Emmanuelle; Borchiellini, Carole.
Background: The Planar Cell Polarity pathway (PCP) has been described as the main feature involved in patterning cell orientation in bilaterian tissues. Recently, a similar phenomenon was revealed in cnidarians, in which the inhibition of this pathway results in the absence of cilia orientation in larvae, consequently proving the functional conservation of PCP signaling between Cnidaria and Bilateria. Nevertheless, despite the growing accumulation of databases concerning basal lineages of metazoans, very few information concerning the existence of PCP components have been gathered outside of Bilateria and Cnidaria. Thus, the origin of this module or its prevalence in early emerging metazoans has yet to be elucidated. Results: The present study addresses...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Planar cell polarity; Van Gogh; Multigene families; Porifera; Placozoa; Ctenophora; Wnt signaling; Metazoan phylogeny.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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