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1994 international beach clean up exercise at the bar beach Lagos, Nigeria. OceanDocs
Awosika, L.F.; Folorunsho, R.; Isebor, C.; Adegbie, A.T.; Dublin-Green, C.O..
At the request of the United States of America Centre for Marine Conservation, the Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research organised a beach clean up at the Bar Beach Lagos on September 24 1994. An International beach clean up is usually held on the last Saturday of every September during the COASTWEEK. On this day, volunteers all over the world participate in a beach clean up in an effort to collect data and information on the types and amounts of debri littering the world's beaches. Volunteers for the Bar Beach clean up of 1994 were drawn from all works of life and some Federal and States agencies. A total of 10,872 pieces of different kinds of debri weighing 531.1kg were collected during the clean up. Further analysis of the different...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Beach accretion.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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