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Development of an improved adhesive test method for composite assembly design ArchiMer
Cognard, Jean Yves; Davies, Peter; Gineste, B; Sohier, L.
This study is concerned with improving performance of composite structures through the use of adhesive bonding, particularly for marine and underwater applications. Some preliminary results from tests on simple composite/composite assemblies are given first. Difficulty in modelling the failure of even these simple joints highlighted the need for more reliable constituent input data. The first objective was to define an experimental methodology enabling the adhesives of interest to be characterised up to failure. A metal metal assembly was considered, in order to concentrate on the analysis of the behaviour of thin adhesive films. The aims were to characterise the adhesive, analyse its non-linear behaviour, and study the influence of parameters such as film...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Finite element analysis; Adhesion.
Ano: 2005 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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