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The Jurassic magmatism of the Demerara Plateau (offshore French Guiana) as a remnant of the Sierra Leone hotspot during the Atlantic rifting ArchiMer
Basile, Christophe; Girault, Igor; Paquette, Jean-louis; Agranier, Arnaud; Loncke, Lies; Heuret, Arnauld; Poetisi, Ewald.
We report the discovery of 173.4 Ma hotspot-related magmatic rocks in the basement of the Demerara Plateau, offshore French Guiana and Suriname. According to plate reconstructions, a single hotspot may be responsible for the magmatic formation of (1) both the Demerara Plateau (between 180 and 170 Ma) and the Guinea Plateau (circa 165 Ma) during the end of the Jurassic rifting of the Central Atlantic; (2) both Sierra Leone and Ceara Rises (mainly from 76 to 68 Ma) during the upper Cretaceous oceanic spreading of the Equatorial Atlantic ocean; (3) the Bathymetrists seamount chain since the upper Cretaceous. The present-day location of the inferred Sierra Leone hotspot should be 100 km west of the Knipovich Seamount.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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DRADEM Campaign – July 2016. Scientific report ArchiMer
Basile, Christophe; Girault, Igor; Heuret, Arnauld; Loncke, Lies; Poetisi, Ewald.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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