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Expanding the North Dakota Input-Output Model to Include Recreation and Tourism 31
Coon, Randal C.; Golz, Theresa K.; Leitch, Jay A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Economic Feasibility of Carrot Production, Marketing, and Processing in North Dakota 31
Golz, Joel T.; Golz, Theresa K.; Helgeson, Delmer L.; Dufner, Hubert J..
Tipo: Technical Report Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Economic Feasibility of Onion Production, Marketing, and Processing in North Dakota 31
Golz, Joel T.; Golz, Theresa K.; Helgeson, Delmer L.; Dufner, Hubert J..
Tipo: Technical Report Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Preliminary Economic Feasibility of Broiler Production in North Dakota 31
Golz, Theresa K.; Golz, Joel T.; Helgeson, Delmer L.; Petry, Timothy A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Production Economics.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Economic Feasibility of an Air Cargo Handling Facility at Fargo, North Dakota 31
Golz, Theresa K.; Golz, Joel T.; Koo, Won W..
Exports to Taiwan in 1990 via air freight were approximately $2.9 billion, and imports via air freight to the united States were $3.1 billion. Total U.S. exports/imports to/from Taiwan in 1990 were $11.5 billion and $22.7 billion, respectively. China Airlines operates three air cargo hubs in the united States: New York, Los Angeles, and Dallas. The real per capita Gross National Product (GNP) in Taiwan for 1989 was $7,512, up from $3,297 in 1985. This implies that the Taiwanese economy is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. Trade volume between the united States and Taiwan has increased substantially over the last 10 years and is predicted to grow in the future. The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic feasibility of Fargo, North...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Golz, Theresa K.; Nelson, William C..
The purpose of this study is to identify and investigate alternative fresh and frozen fillet markets for tilapia within the region. The competition for this market is primarily an imported product from Asia and Central America. Total imports plus domestic production has increased from 16.95 million pounds in 1992 to 70.74 million pounds in 1997. Thirty-seven of the 79 respondents handled tilapia in their business. Thirty of these businesses handled and preferred fresh fillets while ten handled frozen tilapia. The tilapia businesses were clear in their preferences: 5 to 7 ounce fillets, quick delivery response time, constant supply, taste and size, and suppliers oriented toward customer service. Twenty-six of the 37 respondents were open to new...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Tilapia; North American Fish Farmers Cooperative; North Central Region; Sensory evaluation; Production; Prices; Size; Imports; Marketing; Production Economics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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