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Characterisation of a novel fruit type found in Ehretia (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) Naturalis
Gottschling, M.; Hilger, H.H..
Ehretia (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) has been divided into two major clades, characterised by fruits with four endocarpids (Ehretia I, including species of Ehretia formerly belonging to Rotula) and by fruits with two endocarpids (Ehretia II, plus E. microphylla (= Carmona retusa) with an undivided endocarp), respectively. Both molecular (ITS1) and morphological data support the recognition of an additional clade, Ehretia III (E. longiflora species group). Its representatives are characterised by four endocarpids (as in Ehretia I), but differ in the presence of distinct lamellae on the abaxial surface of each endocarpid (as in Bourreria, also belonging to Ehretiaceae). However, molecular data suggest a close relationship with Ehretia II. At least three...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Ehretia longiflora; Anatomy; Fruit; ITS1; Molecular systematics; Phylogeny; Phylogeography.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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