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The dinoflagellate cyst genera Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and Spiniferites Mantell 1850 in Pliocene to modern sediments: a summary of round table discussions ArchiMer
Mertens, Kenneth; Van Nieuwenhove, Nicolas; Gurdebeke, Pieter R.; Aydin, Hilal; Bogus, Kara; Bringue, Manuel; Dale, Barrie; De Schepper, Stijn; De Vernal, Anne; Ellegaard, Marianne; Grothe, Arjen; Gu, Haifeng; Head, Martin J.; Heikkila, Maija; Limoges, Audrey; Londeix, Laurent; Louwye, Stephen; Marret, Fabienne; Masure, Edwige; Matsuoka, Kazumi; Mudie, Peta J.; Penaud, Aurelie; Pospelova, Vera; Price, Andrea Michelle; Ribeiro, Sofia; Rochon, Andre; Sangiorgi, Francesca; Schreck, Michael; Torres, Vladimir; Uzar, Serdar; Versteegh, Gerard J. M.; Warny, Sophie; Zonneveld, Karin.
We present a summary of two round-table discussions held during two subsequent workshops in Montreal (Canada) on 16 April 2014 and Ostend (Belgium) on 8 July 2015. Five species of the genus Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and 33 of the genus Spiniferites Mantell 1850 emend. Sarjeant 1970 occuring in Pliocene to modern sediments are listed and briefly described along with remarks made by workshop participants. In addition, several holotypes and topotypes are reillustrated. Three species previously assigned to Spiniferites are here considered/accepted as belonging to other genera: Impagidinium inaequalis (Wall and Dale in Wall et al. 1973) Londeix et al. 2009, Spiniferites? rubinus (Rossignol 1962 ex Rossignol 1964) Sarjeant 1970, and Thalassiphora balcanica...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spiniferites; Achomosphaera; Hafniasphaera; Rottnestia; Pterocysta.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The affiliation of Hexasterias problematica and Halodinium verrucatum sp. nov. to ciliate cysts based on molecular phylogeny and cyst wall composition ArchiMer
Gurdebeke, Pieter R.; Mertens, Kenneth; Takano, Yoshihito; Yamaguchi, Aika; Bogus, Kara; Dunthorn, Micah; Matsuoka, Kazumi; Vrielinck, Henk; Louwye, Stephen.
Species in the genera Hexasterias and Halodinium have been recorded over the last decades as acritarchs in palynological and/or plankton studies. In paleoenvironmental studies, these resting stages are often interpreted as indicators of freshwater input. The biological affinity of these genera has never been definitely established. Here, a new species, Halodinium verrucatum sp. nov., is described and molecular evidence (single specimen SSU and LSU rDNA sequencing) reveals that both this new species and Hexasterias problematica, collected from sediment samples in the Skagerrak and Baltic Sea, are resting stages of prorodontid ciliates. Additionally, infrared spectroscopic analysis (micro-FTIR) of Hexasterias problematica and Halodinium spp. specimens...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acritarch; Ciliate cyst; FTIR; LSU-SSU rDNA; Prostomatida; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Taxonomic Re-Investigation and Geochemical Characterization of Reid’s (1974) Species of Spiniferites from Holotype and Topotype Material ArchiMer
Gurdebeke, Pieter R.; Mertens, Kenneth; Bogus, Kara; Marret, Fabienne; Chomerat, Nicolas; Vrielinck, Henk; Louwye, Stephen.
The genus Spiniferites currently encompasses 142 dinoflagellate cyst species. Some Spiniferites species are difficult to identify because of an incomplete or doubtful description, and/or substandard iconography. This study re-describes and re-illustrates the Spiniferites holotypes first described by Reid in 1974 Reid PC. 1974. Gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate cysts from the British Isles. Nova Hedwigia. 25:579–637. [Google Scholar]. It also discusses topotype material from surface sediments recovered from British estuaries, and attempts to provide further constraints on the classification of species in this genus using the geochemical characterization of their cyst walls. Reid described four new Spiniferites species: Spiniferites belerius, Spiniferites...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dinoflagellate cyst; Redescription; Taxonomy; Geochemistry; Cyst wall composition; FTIR; Dinosporin.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Taxonomic revision, phylogeny, and cyst wall composition of the dinoflagellate cyst genus Votadinium Reid (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales, Protoperidiniaceae) ArchiMer
Gurdebeke, Pieter R.; Mertens, Kenneth; Pospelova, Vera; Matsuoka, Kazumi; Li, Zhen; Gribble, Kristin E.; Gu, Haifeng; Bogus, Kara; Vrielinck, Henk; Louwye, Stephen.
The taxonomy of the dinoflagellate cyst-based genus Votadinium has been in need of revision. This was accomplished here by integrating morphology, LSU rDNA sequences, and cyst wall composition analyses through micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Three new species, Votadinium pontifossatum, V. rhomboideum and V. reidii, were described as cyst stages of Protoperidinium paraoblongum, P. quadrioblongum, and P. steidingerae, respectively. A previously undescribed type of ornamentation was reported for V. pontifossatum. A fourth new species was assigned to V. concavum. Furthermore, Lejeunecysta psilodora Benedek (=Lejeunecysta psuchra Matsuoka), was re-described as V. psilodora and the holotype re-illustrated, as was done for the holotype of V....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Taxonomy; Dual nomenclature; Dinocyst; Ornamentation; Micro-FTIR; Cyst wall composition; Sporopollenin.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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A review of rare, poorly known, and morphologically problematic extant marine organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst taxa of the orders Gymnodiniales and Peridiniales from the Northern Hemisphere ArchiMer
Mertens, Kenneth; Gu, Haifeng; Gurdebeke, Pieter R.; Takano, Yoshihito; Clarke, Dave; Aydin, Hilal; Li, Zhen; Pospelova, Vera; Shin, Hyeon Ho; Li, Zhun; Matsuoka, Kazumi; Head, Martin J..
Dinoflagellates are a major component of the modern plankton. Of the 2192 species of marine free-living dinoflagellates presently described, an increasing number are being shown to produce resting cysts (probably hypnozygotes) within their life cycle. With rare exception, only the resting cysts fossilize, so they are of central importance in tracing the history of dinoflagellates through geological time. Cysts of many of the more common dinoflagellate species have distinctive morphologies allowing their geographic and stratigraphic occurrences to be traced. An ever-increasing number of taxa are also being shown to produce distinctive cysts, potentially increasing our knowledge of the diverse representation of dinoflagellates through time. Here the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Archaeperidinium; Diplopsalis; Dubridinium; Echinidinium; Gymnodinium; Lejeunecysta; Protoperidinium.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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