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Elm Farm Organic Research Centre December 2006 21
Sanders, Richard; Whiltley, Andrew; Haigh, Zoe; Clarke, Sarah; Hitchings, Roger; O'Brien, Josie.
The Organic Research Centre. Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin with Technical Updates from The Organic Advisory Service is a regular publication from The Organic Research Centre. The current issue covers: Report from 2006 Cirencester Conference; Quest for more home produced organic food; in a world where bread matters; Improving wheat with plenty of parents; Unlocking the secrets of the ancient (cereal varieties); Brain food- a good read; Not to late to protect the future: The organic role; Bumper Oat yields- Tradis trials top ten tonnes; Multiage flocks- a viable solution to wheigh variability; Letters.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Technology transfer.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Wheat trials - How reliably do wheat varieties perform under different organic farming conditions? 21
Döring, Thomas F.; Haigh, Zoe; Pearce, Helen; Pearce, Bruce; Jones, Hannah; Clarke, Sarah; Wolfe, Martin.
A major obstacle in the development of organic farming in the UK is the central problem of winter wheat production. At present, there is a substantial gap between the supply of home-grown organic milling wheat and demand, partially due to shortfalls in both wheat yield and quality. Progress is being made in organic wheat breeding programmes across Europe, although the varieties arising from these are not widely available in the UK. A crucial and unanswered question is how reliably varieties will perform under the diverse conditions that prevail on organic farms. Wheat trial results reported here indicate that the main effects of variety, location, year, or farming practice may often be more important than the complex interactions among these factors....
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Breeding; Genetics and propagation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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