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Evaluation et indemnisation des dommages causés par les marées noires - Rapport de mission au FIPOL (Londres) et au CEMARE (Université de Portsmouth) 5
Thebaud, Olivier; Hay, Julien.
Le SEM conduit actuellement, en collaboration avec le Centre de Droit et d'Economie de la Mer de l'Université de Bretagne Occidentale, un projet de recherche intitulé "Les pollutions marines accidentelles: évaluations économiques et mécanismes incitatifs de prévention". Ce projet bénéficie d'un financement dans le cadre du Programme National d'Environnement Côtier français, et d'une bourse de thèse de la région Bretagne. L'une des tâches de cette recherche consiste en une analyse rétrospective de la pratique de l'évaluation et de l'indemnisation des dommages suite à des cas passés de marées noires. Une attention particulière est consacrée aux cas entrant dans le cadre du FIPOL, avec un intérêt spécifique pour les pollutions causées par trois accidents...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Evaluation économique et indemnisation des dommages causés par les marées noires : enseignements tirés du cas de l'Amoco Cadiz 5
Hay, Julien; Thebaud, Olivier.
This article presents an empirical analysis of the process of valuing and compensating damages resulting from oil pollution at sea. Observation of recent accidents shows that arriving at a single global estimate of the social cost of an oil spill proves difficult in most cases. The analysis builds on a historical analysis of the Amoco Cadiz case to show that three types of estima tes can be considered in practice: (i) estima tes by economists involved as experts in the process, (ii) claims by victims, and (iii) compensation eventually granted to the claimants. The main factors explaining divergence between these estimates, and their implications in terms of final payments, are considered. Factors of divergence relate to theoretical and empirical...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Faraway, so close : les enjeux de la marée noire DeepWater Horizon vus depuis la France 5
Pioch, Sylvain; Hay, Julien; Levrel, Harold.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Coûts associés à la dégradation du milieu marin : marées noires et rejets illicites d’hydrocarbures. Sous-région marine Manche - Mer du Nord. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. 5
Hay, Julien; Cujus, Alexia.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Manche; Mer du Nord; Marées noires; Rejets illicites; Hydrocarbures; Coût; Suivi; CSN; DCS; CROSS; POLMAR; CEDRE; Actions positives; Impacts.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Coût d’opportunité versus coût du maintien des potentialités écologiques : deux indicateurs économiques pour mesurer les coûts de l’érosion de la biodiversité 5
Levrel, Harold; Hay, Julien; Bas, Adeline; Gastineau, Pascal; Pioch, Sylvain.
The cost of ecosystem services degradation is a major topic as underlined by the TEEB program (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity), which proposed an assessment of the costs of policy inaction in the field of biodiversity conservation. In the same vein, the report of the French Centre for Strategic Analysis on the Economic Approach to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services turns its attention to the value of ecosystem services, suggesting some elements that could help measure the cost of biodiversity degradation. There is however some confusion regarding the notion of cost. Thus, in the case of TEEB the proposed cost assessment translates into monetary terms the loss of potential profits from ecological services. Yet, another way of assessing these...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Services écologiques; Biodiversité; Valeur; Coûts; Méthodes d’estimation; Ecosystem services; Biodiversity; Value; Costs; Assessmentmethodology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Coûts associés à la dégradation du milieu marin : marées noires et rejets illicites d’hydrocarbures. Sous-région marine Méditerranée occidentale. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. 5
Hay, Julien; Cujus, Alexia.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Marées noires; Rejets illicites; Hydrocarbures; Coût; Suivi; CSN; DCS; CROSS; POLMAR; CEDRE; Actions positives; Impacts.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Coûts associés à la dégradation du milieu marin : marées noires et rejets illicites d’hydrocarbures. Sous-région marine Mers celtiques. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. 5
Hay, Julien; Cujus, Alexia.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mers celtiques; Marées noires; Rejets illicites; Hydrocarbures; Coût; Suivi; CSN; DCS; CROSS; POLMAR; CEDRE; Actions positives; Impacts.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Coûts associés à la dégradation du milieu marin : marées noires et rejets illicites d’hydrocarbures. Sous-région marine Golfe de Gascogne. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. 5
Hay, Julien; Cujus, Alexia.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Golfe de Gascogne; Marées noires; Rejets illicites; Hydrocarbures; Coût; Suivi; CSN; DCS; CROSS; POLMAR; CEDRE; Actions positives; Impacts.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The maintenance costs of marine natural capital: A case study from the initial assessment of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in France 5
Levrel, Harold; Jacob, Celine; Bailly, Denis; Charles, Mahe; Guyader, Olivier; Aoubid, Scheherazade; Bas, Adeline; Cujus, Alexia; Fresard, Marjolaine; Girard, Sophie; Hay, Julien; Laurans, Yann; Paillet, Jerome; Agundez, Jose A. Perez; Mongruel, Remi.
There are two ways of assessing the costs of environmental degradation: as the costs associated with the loss of benefits resulting from the degradation of natural capital, and as the maintenance costs required to compensate for the actual or potential degradation of natural capital. The first of these methods is based on the Total Economic Value (TEV) of benefits forgone because of the depletion of ecosystem services delivered by marine biodiversity. The second method is based on the costs required to maintain a good state of marine biodiversity, one which makes it possible to deliver ecosystem services. This paper gives an illustration of this second approach. It details how these maintenance costs have been calculated in the initial assessment of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Maintenance cost; Marine ecosystems; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Economic analysis.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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How to model social-ecological systems? – A case study on the effects of a future offshore wind farm on the local society and ecosystem, and whether social compensation matters 5
Haraldsson, Matilda; Raoux, Aurore; Riera, Fabien; Hay, Julien; Dambacher, Jeffrey M.; Niquil, Nathalie.
Models of social-ecological systems (SES) are acknowledged as an important tool to understand human-nature relations. However, many SES models fail to integrate adequate information from both the human and ecological subsystems. With an example model of a future Offshore Wind Farm development and its effects on both the ecosystem and local human population, we illustrate a method facilitating a “balanced” SES model, in terms of including information from both subsystems. We use qualitative mathematical modeling, which allows to quickly analyze the structure and dynamics of a system without including quantitative data, and therefore to compare alternative system structures based on different understandings of how the system works. By including similar...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Network; Renewable energy; Eastern English channel; Perception; Qualitative modeling; Acceptance.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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