Heimlich, Ralph E.; Barnard, Charles H.. |
Metropolitan agriculture is not homogeneous. This paper delves beneath metropolitan county averages using data on individual farms in the Northeast classified into three statistically distinct types. A small group of adaptive farms profit from intensive production on smaller acreage to accommodate themselves to the urban environment. Traditional farms have increased costs and pressures on their more extensive operations without compensating increases in revenue from better-adapted enterprises. A large group of recreational farms subsidize small-farm activities from nonfarm income. Operating characteristics of each farm type are presented and their importance to metropolitan agriculture is assessed. Implications for preserving farming and farmland in... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Community/Rural/Urban Development; Land Economics/Use. |
Ano: 1992 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/28849 |
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Heimlich, Ralph E.; Claassen, Roger. |
U.S. agricultural conservation policy has focused on a range of potential policy instruments centered on voluntary approaches tied into Depression-era commodity programs. Entering the twenty-first century, conservation policy is at a crossroads between more coercive regulatory policies, more costly voluntary programs, and more facilitative market-oriented policies. What are the pitfalls, advantages, disadvantages, and tradeoffs along these paths? |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/31511 |
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Morehart, Mitchell J.; Gollehon, Noel R.; Dismukes, Robert; Breneman, Vincent E.; Heimlich, Ralph E.. |
While the 1999 drought has had severe financial impacts on agricultural producers in the drought regions, its impact on U.S. agricultural production has been limited. The drought will reduce commodity receipts relative to 1998 by an estimated $1.29 billion. Estimated farm net income losses, including expected yield losses, increases in expenses, and insurance indemnities, will total $1.35 billion, about 3 percent of expected 1999 U.S. net farm income. Drought impacts in areas of the Northeast designated as extreme and severe drought are expected to reduce farmers' net income by nearly $840 million. The regions affected, the crops grown in those regions, the increased use of irrigation, and crop insurance coverage limited the drought's impacts on... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance; Farm Management. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/33655 |
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Heimlich, Ralph E.; Wiebe, Keith D.; Claassen, Roger; Gadsby, Dwight M.; House, Robert M.. |
Society has recently increased the value it places on the services that wetlands provide, including water quality improvements, flood control, wildlife habitat, and recreation. However, owners of wetlands are often unable to profit from these services because the benefits created are freely enjoyed by many. This report examines differences between public and private incentives regarding wetlands. Federal wetland policy has shifted in recent decades--from encouraging wetland conversion to encouraging wetland protection and restoration--in an effort to balance public and private objectives. The report assesses the need for continued wetlands protection policies as the United States approaches achieving the goal of no net loss of wetlands. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Wetlands; "no net loss"; Swampbuster; Conservation; Restoration; Land Economics/Use. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/34043 |
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Heimlich, Ralph E.. |
ERS recently constructed a new set of regions depicting geographic specialization in production of U.S. farm commodities. ERS will use the new regions to display results of its analyses in a broad array of venues from briefings to publications, our web site, and journal articles. This pamphlet introduces the new ERS Farm Resource Regions, explains their origin and rationale, and serves as a reference for our clients. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Farm Management. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/33625 |
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