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Greater Mitochondrial Energy Production Provides Resistance to Ocean Acidification in “Winning” Hermatypic Corals 5
Agostini, Sylvain; Houlbrèque, Fanny; Biscéré, Tom; Harvey, Ben P.; Heitzman, Joshua M.; Takimoto, Risa; Yamazaki, Wataru; Milazzo, Marco; Rodolfo-metalpa, Riccardo.
Coral communities around the world are projected to be negatively affected by ocean acidification. Not all coral species will respond in the same manner to rising CO2 levels. Evidence from naturally acidified areas such as CO2 seeps have shown that although a few species are resistant to elevated CO2, most lack sufficient resistance resulting in their decline. This has led to the simple grouping of coral species into “winners” and “losers,” but the physiological traits supporting this ecological assessment are yet to be fully understood. Here using CO2 seeps, in two biogeographically distinct regions, we investigated whether physiological traits related to energy production [mitochondrial electron transport systems (ETSAs) activities] and biomass (protein...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean acidification; Hermatypic corals; Mitochondrial electron transport activity; Biomass; Resistance.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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