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La peche morutiere francaise de 1500 a 1950: statistiques, climat, societe ArchiMer
Hersart De La Villemarque, Jacqueline.
This synthesis, outcome from the reconstitution of chronological series of catches, replaces this economical activity in its human and climatic context, including society facts, wars and ships evolution
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Catch statistics; Ship technology; Sociological aspects; Climatic data; Gadoid fisheries.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Déterminisme du recrutement de la sole. Phase pélagique - Résultats des campagnes 1985 ArchiMer
Arbault, Suzanne; Camus, Patrick; Hersart De La Villemarque, Jacqueline; Koutsikopoulos, Constantin.
In order to analyse the recruitment process of a commercial fish, the common sole has been selected for making researches into the mecanisms which have an effect upon the distribution of the young fish stages and upon the plenty of the recruitment. In 1985, during three surveys for eggs and larvae off the estuary of the river Loire in march and april, severa! points have been studied : - physical and chemical data of the sea - distribution of eggs and larvae - vertical distribution of larvae in a little scale - some results on nutrition of larvae.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sole; Oeufs; Larves; Recrutement; Sole; Eggs; Larvae; Recrutment.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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