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Age determination of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): 2012 Workshop between Canada and France on cod otoliths. Final report of the project SALMOCODAGE ArchiMer
Mahe, Kelig; Schwab, Philippe; Hiscock, Charlie; Cossitt, Gus; Briand, Daniel; Goraguer, Herle.
France and Canada have been working closely together for numerous years under the governance of The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) that regulates fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic. This workshop was the first step to achieve greater agreement in the estimation of age from calcified pieces between the scientific experts from those 2 countries. The goal of this project is to realize a calibration of the estimation of ages from cod (Gadus morhua) between France and Canada in order to optimize the precision of the data supplied by those countries for stock assessment purposes. There has been in the past an internal workshop for Atlantic Canada in 1997 on ageing fish and numerous workshops for Northeast Atlantic, more precisely for the...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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