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An eddy-permitting model of the Atlantic circulation: Evaluating open boundary conditions ArchiMer
Treguier, Anne-marie; Barnier, B; De Miranda, A; Molines, J; Grima, N; Imbard, M; Madec, Gerard; Messager, Christophe; Reynaud, Thierry; Michel, Sylvain.
As part of the French CLIPPER project, an eddy permitting model of the Atlantic circulation has been run for 22 years. The domain has open boundaries at Drake passage and at 30 degreesE, from Africa to Antarctica. The simulated mean circulation, as well as the eddy activity, is satisfactory for a 1/3 degrees model resolution, and the meridional heat transport at 30 degreesS is within the range estimated from observations. We use the "mixed" open boundary algorithm of Barnier et al. [1998], which has both a radiation condition and a relaxation to climatology. The climatological boundary forcing strongly constrains the solution in the whole domain. The model heat balance adjusts through the surface (heat flux retroaction term) more than the open boundaries....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: General circulation; Numerical modeling; Oceanography.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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