Registros recuperados: 10 | |
Früh, Barbara; Schlatter, Bernhard; Isensee, Anne; Maurer, Veronika; Willer, Helga. |
The aim of this study, carried out as part of work package 1 of the project “Improved Contribution of Local Feed to Support 100% Organic Feed Supply to Pigs and Poultry” (ICOPP), was to assess feed availability and demand throughout the countries of the ICOPP project and Europe. The ICOPP project is funded by national funding bodies that are part of the CORE Organic II project (Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems, www.coreorganic2.org). Partners from the following ten European countries were part of the project: Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. All partners provided information from their country on feed production, livestock... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Markets and trade; Pigs; Poultry. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/28067/1/ICOPP-d-1-1-FINAL-REPORT.docx |
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Grohmann, Markus; Winckler, Christoph; Perler, Erika; Isensee, Anne; Christ, Benedikt; Amsler, Zivile; Werne, Steffen; Maurer, Veronika; Heckendorn, Felix. |
The aim of this field study was to investigate interactions between gastro-intestinal nematode (GIN) infection, milk performance and age in goats in order to identify animal groups with higher susceptibility to GIN. On 3 farms (farm A: n = 29, farm B: n = 33, farm C: n = 117 milking goats) fecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) were performed in summer. All 179 milking goats were enrolled in FECRT and individual milk performance was recorded before and after FEC for FECRT. Furthermore, in early summer and autumn bulk fecal samples were cultured for every farm and GIN genera were determined. |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Animal husbandry; Breeding and genetics; Sheep and goats; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/21676/1/CAPARA_Gran_Canaria_Abstract_Grohmann.pdf |
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Heckendorn, Felix; Perler, Erika; Isensee, Anne; Amsler, Zivile; Werne, Steffen; Grohmann, Markus; Uzunoglu, Ferit; Saratsis, Anastasios; Maurer, Veronika; Stricker, Christian. |
In Australia and New Zealand the formulation of breeding values for GIN resistance led to large selection programs in sheep successfully improving genetic resistance to GIN. Compared to sheep, the progress with respect to breeding for GIN resistance for various reasons has been much slower in goats. Data on heritabilities of potential auxiliary traits for selection and knowledge about their genetic correlation to production traits is limited. The present Swiss study was designed to fill this gap. A total of 1.500 goats (20 flocks) of the Alpine and Saanen breed were enrolled in the study. They were individually phenotyped twice for faecal egg count (FEC), FEC of Haemonchus (HCFEC; using fluorescin based differentiation of eggs), FAMACHA eye scores and... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Breeding and genetics; Sheep and goats; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/24879/1/abstract_genetics_capara_berlin.docx |
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Isensee, Anne; Klocke, Peter; Bieber, Anna; Spengler, Anet; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Maurer, Veronika; Leiber, Florian. |
Two different methods to reveal body condition scores (BCS), called independent BCS (iBCS) and dependent BCS (dBCS; similar to the method of Ferguson et al. 1994), were applied in 1111 Swiss Brown dairy cows. Ultrasound measurement of the back fat thickness (BFT) served as validation method. Aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of assessor’s subjective impression of the overall appearance of the cow on the scoring process. With 67.3% of the BFT variance, the dBCS with its consideration of the overall impression of the cow and its more open approach was more suitable to predict the subcutaneous fat appositions. The strictly formularized iBCS could only explain 47.3% of the BFT variance. The pin bone region was identified to cause the biggest... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/27035/1/27035_isensee.pdf |
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Leiber, Florian; Dorn, Katharina; Probst, Johanna K.; Isensee, Anne; Ackermann, Nick; Kuhn, Anton; Spengler Neff, Anet. |
An experiment was conducted during 6 weeks to evaluate effects of a reduced dietary level of protein-rich concentrates in a moderate dairy production system on cows’ performance, protein efficiency and milk quality including fatty acid profiles. Twenty-three lactating cows (Swiss Fleckvieh) were assigned either to a group receiving on average 2·4 kg/d individually fed concentrates (Prot+, n = 12) or to a group receiving no individually fed concentrates (Prot−, n = 11). All cows had adlibitum access to a total mixed ration (TMR) mainly based on grass and maize silage, hay and little potatoes and soybean cake. In weeks 4–6 of the experiment, part of the hay was excluded from the TMR, and fed separately in the morning. Individual feed intake and milk yield... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/29214/1/Leiber_etal_JDR_2015.pdf |
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Schader, Christian; Müller, Adrian; El-Hage Scialabba, Nadia; Hecht, Judith; Isensee, Anne; Erb, Karl-Heinz; Smith, Pete; Makkar, Harinder P.S.; Klocke, Peter; Leiber, Florian; Schwegler, Patrizia; Stolze, Matthias; Niggli, Urs. |
Increasing efficiency in livestock production and reducing the share of animal products in human consumption are two strategies to curb the adverse environmental impacts of the livestock sector. Here,we explore the roomfor sustainable livestock production by modelling the impacts and constraints of a third strategy in which livestock feed components that compete with direct human food crop production are reduced. Thus, in the outmost scenario, animals are fed only from grassland and by-products from food production. We show that this strategy could provide sufficient food (equal amounts of human-digestible energy and a similar protein/calorie ratio as in the reference scenario for 2050) and reduce environmental impacts comparedwith the reference scenario... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth Recycling; Balancing and resource management. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/29549/1/Schader-etal-2015-Food-Competing-Feedstuffs-JRS-p1-12.pdf |
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Stergiadis, Sokratis; Bieber, Anna; Chatzidimitriou, Eleni; Franceschin, Enrica; Isensee, Anne; Rempelos, Leonidas; Baranski, Marcin; Maurer, Veronika; Cozzi, Giulio; Bapst, Beat; Butler, Gillian; Leifert, Carlo. |
This study investigated the effect of, and interactions between, US Brown Swiss (BS) genetics and season on milk yield, basic composition and fatty acid profiles, from cows on low-input farms in Switzerland. Milk samples (n = 1,976) were collected from 1,220 crossbreed cows with differing proportions of BS, Braunvieh and Original Braunvieh genetics on 40 farms during winter-housing and summer-grazing. Cows with more BS genetics produced more milk in winter but not in summer, possibly because of underfeeding potentially high-yielding cows on low-input pasture-based diets. Cows with more Original Braunvieh genetics produced milk with more (i) nutritionally desirable eicosapentaenoic and docosapentaenoic acids, throughout the year, and (ii) vaccenic and... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Beef cattle; Breeding and genetics. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34686/1/Stergiades_etal-2018_FoodChemostry-Vol251-p93-102.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 10 | |