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Budbreak induction in kiwifruit vines cultivated in an organic system by the biological method of single node cutting 53
Santos,Rodrigo Fernandes dos; Marques,Léo Omar Duarte; Mello-Farias,Paulo; Martins,Carlos Roberto; Konzen,Luis Henrique; Carvalho,Ivan Ricardo; Malgarim,Marcelo Barbosa.
ABSTRACT Kiwifruit vines are an alternative approach to diversify Brazilian fruit farming because of the low supply and increase in the demand for their fruits. Hydrogenated cyanamide, which is the most common rest-breaking agent, is highly toxic and its use is not allowed in organic production systems. This study aimed at evaluating the efficiency of alternative rest-breaking agents in kiwifruit vines by using the biological method of single node cutting. Twigs of the cultivar Bruno were collected in an organic orchard in Pelotas, a city located in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Seven-centimeter-long cuts with a single shoot at the ends were segmented. Cuttings were placed on plastic trays with phenolic foam and soaked in water, at 85% relative humidity...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Actinidia deliciosa; Sustainability; Ecophysiology; Adaptation; Mild winter.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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