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Temporal trends and spatial structures of the sea surface temperature in the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Koutsikopoulos, Constantin; Beillois, Pierre; Leroy, Claude; Taillefer, Françoise.
A time series spatial grid of sea surface temperature (SST) data provided by the archives of Meteo-France and covering the period 1972-1993 was analysed in order to define both the long-term and periodic (mainly seasonal) components at different locations in the Bay of Biscay. The study confirmed the existence of a long-term increasing trend in the SST, but showed that this trend was not homogeneous over the entire area. It revealed also that the amplitude of the cyclic components (summer-winter differences) is spatially heterogeneous. The south-eastern part of the Bay of Biscay, close to the French-Spanish border, shows the stronger warming trend (a mean increase of 1.4 degrees C for the period 1972-1993). This trend decreases in the adjacent regions and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Sea surface temperature; Time series; Long-term trend; Seasonal changes.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Une procédure systématique pour le sous-échantillonnage des prélèvements de plancton ArchiMer
Koutsikopoulos, Constantin; Petitgas, Pierre.
It is often necessary to sub-sample plankton samples even if the precision of the estimation is thereby decreased. A methodological optimization is looked for. The variance depends on the procedure of construction of the aliquot (strategy) and the number of individuals counted (effort). The sub-sampling effort is allocated in a general context of repartition of the total effort between sampling and sub-sampling. This effort depends on the time consumed by the sub-sampling procedure, the volume of the aliquot and the number of individuals counted. For the same effort, a systematic procedure for the construction of sub-samples is more precise than a random one because it travels through the entire sample and is thus less dependent on the spatial distribution...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plancton; Sous-échantillonnage; Effort; Précision; Plankton; Sub-sampling; Effort; Precision.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Response of juvenile sole (Solea solea (L.)) to environmental changes investigated by otolith microstructure analysis. ArchiMer
Koutsikopoulos, Constantin; Karakiri, M; Desaunay, Yves; Dorel, Didier.
Otolith microstructure analysis of sole juveniles, Solea solea (0-2 groups) sampled in the Bay of Vilaine, Bay of Biscay, was carried out using scanning electron microscopy. Daily increment analysis showed two cases growth retardation, recorded as narrow increment deposition during the first weeks after transition to the bottom-dwelling mode of life. It is assumed that the observed growth retardation of 0-group sole in the summer of 1982 might have been caused by the oxygen deficiency recorded in the Bay of Vilaine at that time. The same observation in otolith microstructure during late spring 1986 might be associated with a strong cold freshwater discharge recorded in the sampling area that affected both water salinity and temperature.
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Ano: 1989 URL:
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The stability of the spatial distribution of the pelagic stages of sole as explained by the trajectories of ARGOS satellite ArchiMer
Koutsikopoulos, Constantin; Herbland, Alain.
The studies of the pelagic stages of Sole (Solea vulgaris , Quensel) in the northern part of the Bay of Biscay are strongly influenced by the recent concepts concerning the importance of the physical processes in the evolution of marine populations. The investigations of the linkage between water masses circulation and year-class strength started in 1986 with the deployment of 3 ARGOS satellite tracked drifters at different depths in parallel with the ichthyoplanktonic surveys. The trajectory of the 7 m drifter (tracking the water masses above the pycnocline) is related to the wind. This drifter leaves the sector of the study after 10 days. After 40 days of variable environmental conditions, the 34 m drifter (situated below the density gradient) was only...
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Ano: 1987 URL:
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Déterminisme du recrutement de la sole. Phase pélagique - Résultats des campagnes 1985 ArchiMer
Arbault, Suzanne; Camus, Patrick; Hersart De La Villemarque, Jacqueline; Koutsikopoulos, Constantin.
In order to analyse the recruitment process of a commercial fish, the common sole has been selected for making researches into the mecanisms which have an effect upon the distribution of the young fish stages and upon the plenty of the recruitment. In 1985, during three surveys for eggs and larvae off the estuary of the river Loire in march and april, severa! points have been studied : - physical and chemical data of the sea - distribution of eggs and larvae - vertical distribution of larvae in a little scale - some results on nutrition of larvae.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sole; Oeufs; Larves; Recrutement; Sole; Eggs; Larvae; Recrutment.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Otoliths imprinting of sole (Solea solea) from the Bay of Biscay: a tool to discriminate individuals from nursery origins? ArchiMer
De Pontual, Helene; Lagardere, Francoise; Troadec, Herve; Batel, Alain; Desaunay, Yves; Koutsikopoulos, Constantin.
Sole nurseries are located in the main bays and estuaries of the Bay of Biscay, where juveniles from the same stock. concentrate and constitute temporarily isolated groups. This context being favourable for elemental analyses of juvenile otoliths this study has been initiated with the aim of obtaining environmental imprints of the main nurseries of origin of juveniles recruiting to the adult stock, and of evaluating the relative contribution of these nurseries to the stock. The objectives were to compare (i) the otolith elemental imprints obtained by sampling juveniles in the Loire and the Gironde nurseries, and (ii) two multi-element analysis techniques: laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) and solution-based ICPMS...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Recruitment; Juvenile; Estuarine nursery; ICPMS; Trace elements; Otolith; Recrutement; Juvénile; Nourricerie estuarienne; ICPMS; Eléments traces; Otolithe.
Ano: 2000 URL:
Registros recuperados: 6
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