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Biodiversity and phylogeny of Ammotheidae (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) ArchiMer
Sabroux, Romain; Corbari, Laure; Krapp, Franz; Bonillo, Celine; Le Prieur, Stepahnie; Hassanin, Alexandre.
The family Ammotheidae is the most diversified group of the class Pycnogonida, with 297 species described in 20 genera. Its monophyly and intergeneric relationships have been highly debated in previous studies. Here, we investigated the phylogeny of Ammotheidae using specimens from poorly studied areas. We sequenced the mitochondrial gene encoding the first subunit of cytochrome c oxidase (CO1) from 104 specimens. The complete nuclear 18S rRNA gene was sequenced from a selection of 80 taxa to provide further phylogenetic signal. The base composition in CO1 shows a higher heterogeneity in Ammotheidae than in other families, which may explain their apparent polyphyly in the CO1 tree. Although deeper nodes of the tree receive no statistical support,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pantopoda; Taxonomy; DNA phylogeny; Barcode of life; Strand-bias.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A fourth Mediterranean Rhynchothorax and remarks on the genus (Pycnogonida) Naturalis
Krapp, Franz.
A species of Rhynchothorax, Rh. alcicornis nova species, the fourth known from the Mediterranean Sea, and the tenth in the genus is described. A new key to the species and a review of the genus are provided; an attempt is made to arrange all species known into four different species groups.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Pycnogonida from Pantelleria and Catania, Sicily Naturalis
Krapp, Franz.
The paper reports on two small collections from the island of Pantelleria and the vicinity of Catania, Sicily. The former locality (mostly surface samples) yielded 52 specimens of 9 species in 9 samples, the latter 190 specimens of 14 species in 11 samples. One species of Nymphon proved to be new to science; it belongs to an uniunguiculate species group with N. longicoxa Hoek, 1881, and N. prolatum Fage, 1942, as nearest relatives. The question of Tanystylum in the Mediterranean is raised again and it is decided that there are two species, T. conirostrum (Dohrn, 1881) and T. orbiculare Wilson, 1878, respectively. The male of Ammothella longioculata Faraggiana, 1940 is figured for the first time in order to compare it with A. longipes (Dohrn, 1881)....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1973 URL:
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The genus Rhynchothorax (Pycnogonida) in the Mediterranean Sea Naturalis
Arnaud, Françoise; Krapp, Franz.
Of the five species of Rhynchothorax recorded from the Mediterranean, the description of Rh. alcicornis is completed with new material, and Rh. anophthalmus is synomymized with Rh. philopsammum.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1990 URL:
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