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A seasonal dipolar eddy near Ras Al Hamra (Sea of Oman) ArchiMer
L'Hegaret, Pierre; Lacour, Leo; Carton, Xavier; Roullet, Guillaume; Baraille, Remy; Correard, Stephanie.
Trajectories and hydrological data from two Argo floats indicate that warm and salty water at 200–300-m depths was ejected from the coast of Oman, near Ras al Hamra, in spring 2008, 2011, and 2012. This warm and salty water, Persian Gulf Water (PGW), once ejected from the coast, recirculated cyclonically in the western Sea of Oman, but also flowed eastward along the Iranian and Pakistani coasts. There, it was expelled seaward by mesoscale eddies as shown by other float data. Seasonal maps of salinity were computed from all available Argo floats; they showed that, in spring, PGW is present in the middle and north of the Sea of Oman, contrary to fall, when the salinity maxima lie southeast of Ras al Hadd. The ejection of PGW from Ras al Hamra is related here...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea of Oman; Outflow; Eddies; Argo floats.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Evidence of Mediterranean Water dipole collision in the Gulf of Cadiz ArchiMer
L'Hegaret, Pierre; Carton, Xavier; Ambar, Isabel; Menesguen, Claire; Hua, Bach Lien; Cherubin, Laurent; Aguiar, Ana; Le Cann, Bernard; Daniault, Nathalie; Serra, Nuno.
A collision of Mediterranean Water dipoles in the Gulf of Cadiz is studied here, using data from the MedTop and Semane experiments. First, a Mediterranean Water eddy (meddy) was surveyed hydrologically in November 2000 southwest of Cape Saint Vincent. Then, this meddy drifted northeastward from this position, accompanied by a cyclone (detected only via altimetry), thus forming a first dipole. In February 2001, a dipole of Mediterranean Water was measured hydrologically just after its formation near Portimão Canyon. This second dipole drifted southwestward. The western and eastern meddies had hydrological radii of about 22 and 25 km, respectively, with corresponding temperature and salinity maxima of (13.45°C, 36.78) and (11.40°C, 36.40). Rafos float...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Mesoscale eddies and submesoscale structures of Persian Gulf Water off the Omani coast in spring 2011 ArchiMer
L'Hegaret, Pierre; Carton, Xavier; Louazel, Stephanie; Boutin, Guillaume.
The Persian Gulf produces high-salinity water (Persian Gulf Water, PGW hereafter), which flows into the Sea of Oman via the Strait of Hormuz. Beyond the Strait of Hormuz, the PGW cascades down the continental slope and spreads in the Sea of Oman under the influence of the energetic mesoscale eddies. The PGW outflow has different thermohaline characteristics and pathways, depending on the season. In spring 2011, the Phys-Indien experiment was carried out in the Arabian Sea and in the Sea of Oman. The Phys-Indien 2011 measurements, as well as satellite observations, are used here to characterize the circulation induced by the eddy field and its impact on the PGW pathway and evolution. During the spring intermonsoon, an anticyclonic eddy is often observed at...
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Oceanic vortex mergers are not isolated but influenced by the beta-effect and surrounding eddies ArchiMer
De Marez, Charly; Carton, Xavier; L'Hegaret, Pierre; Meunier, Thomas; Stegner, Alexandre; Le Vu, Briac; Morvan, Mathieu.
Oceanic vortices are ubiquitous in the ocean. They dominate the sub-inertial energy spectrum, and their dynamics is key for the evolution of the water column properties. The merger of two like-signed coherent vortices, which ultimately results in the formation of a larger vortex, provides an efficient mechanism for the lateral mixing of water masses in the ocean. Understanding the conditions of such interaction in the ocean is thus essential. Here, we use a merger detection algorithm to draw a global picture of this process in the ocean. We show that vortex mergers are not isolated, contrary to the hypothesis made in most earlier studies. Paradoxically, the merging distance is well reproduced by isolated vortex merger numerical simulations, but it is...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Structure and Dynamics of the Ras al Hadd Oceanic Dipole in the Arabian Sea ArchiMer
Ayouche, Adam; De Marez, Charly; Morvan, Mathieu; L'Hegaret, Pierre; Carton, Xavier; Le Vu, Briac; Stegner, Alexandre.
The Ras al Hadd oceanic dipole is a recurrent association of a cyclone (to the northeast) and of an anticyclone (to the southwest), which forms in summer and breaks up at the end of autumn. It lies near the Ras al Hadd cape, southeast of the Arabian peninsula. Its size is on the order of 100 km. Along the axis of this dipole flows an intense jet, the Ras al Had jet. Using altimetric data and an eddy detection and tracking algorithm (AMEDA: Angular Momentum Eddy Detection and tracking Algorithm), we describe the life cycle of this oceanic dipole over a year (2014–2015). We also use the results of a numerical model (HYCOM, the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model) simulation, and hydrological data from ARGO profilers, to characterize the vertical structure of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ras al hadd oceanic dipole; Arabian sea; Cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies; Altimetric data; Angular momentum eddy detection and tracking algorithm (AMEDA); HYCOM model; ARGO floats.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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