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Large-scale patterns of river inputs in southwestern Europe: seasonal and interannual variations and potential eutrophication effects at the coastal zone ArchiMer
Romero, Estela; Garnier, Josette; Lassaletta, Luis; Billen, Gilles; Le Gendre, Romain; Riou, Philippe; Cugier, Philippe.
We provide data on nutrient export for 28 rivers in southwestern Europe and analyze long-term changes in the context of anthropogenic pressures and regulation policies. Special attention is given to seasonal variations, because the integrated annual values that are usually provided do not allow us to establish comparisons with seasonal phytoplankton dynamics. The eutrophication risk associated with river inputs is addressed by means of an indicator (Index of Coastal Eutrophication Potential, ICEP, Billen and Garnier, Mar Chem 106:148–160, 2007). An overview of the temporal evolution and the intra-annual variability of the ICEP is discussed for specific rivers and integrated coastal regions. The annual dynamics of the eutrophication indicator is analyzed to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: River inputs; Coastal zone; N:P:Si stoichiometry; Eutrophication; Seasonality; Europe.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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EMOSEM Final Report - Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management In the North Atlantic Ocean ArchiMer
Desmit, Xavier; Lacroix, Geneviève; Thieu, Vincent; Menesguen, Alain; Dulière, Valerie; Campuzano, Francisco; Billen, Gilles; Neves, Ramiro; Lancelot, Christiane; Gypens, Nathalie; Dussauze, Morgan; Garnier, Josette; Silvestre, Marie; Passy, Paul; Lassaletta, Luis; Guittard, Gabriel; Théry, Sylvain; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Garcia, Carla; Pinto, Ligia; Sobrinho, Joao; Mateus, Marco; Ascione Kenov, Isabella.
One of the leading challenges in marine science and governance is to improve scientific guidance of management measures to mitigate eutrophication nuisances in the EU seas. Too few approaches integrate the eutrophication process in space (continuum river-ocean) and in time (past, present and future status). A strong need remains for (i) knowledge/identification of all the processes that control eutrophication and its consequences, (ii) consistent and harmonized reference levels assigned to each eutrophication-related indicator, (iii) identification of the main rivers directly or indirectly responsible for eutrophication nuisances in specific areas, (iv) an integrated transboundary approach and (v) realistic short term and long term nutrient reduction...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Managing soil carbon for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Mediterranean cropping systems: A meta-analysis Organic Eprints
Aguilera, Eduardo; Lassaletta, Luis; Gattinger, Andreas; Gimeno, Benjamín S..
Mediterranean croplands are seasonally dry agroecosystems with low soil organic carbon (SOC) content and high risk of land degradation and desertification. The increase in SOC is of special interest in these systems, as it can help to build resilience for climate change adaptation while contributing to mitigate global warming through the sequestration of atmospheric carbon (C). We compared SOC change and C sequestration under a number of recommended management practices (RMPs) with neighboring conventional plots under Mediterranean climate (174 data sets from 79 references). The highest response in C sequestration was achieved by those practices applying largest amounts of C inputs (land treatment and organic amendments). Conservation tillage practices...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Soil.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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