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Reconsidering the Consequences of Selective Fisheries ArchiMer
Garcia, S.m.; Kolding, J.; Rice, J.; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Zhou, S.; Arimoto, T.; Beyer, J. E.; Borges, L.; Bundy, A.; Dunn, D.; Fulton, E. A.; Hall, M.; Heino, M.; Law, R.; Makino, M.; Rijnsdorp, A. D.; Simard, Francois; Smith, A. D.m..
Concern about the impact of fishing on ecosystems and fisheries production is increasing (1, 2). Strategies to reduce these impacts while addressing the growing need for food security (3) include increasing selectivity (1, 2): capturing species, sexes, and sizes in proportions that differ from their occurrence in the ecosystem. Increasing evidence suggests that more selective fishing neither maximizes production nor minimizes impacts (4–7). Balanced harvesting would more effectively mitigate adverse ecological effects of fishing while supporting sustainable fisheries. This strategy, which challenges present management paradigms, distributes a moderate mortality from fishing across the widest possible range of species, stocks, and sizes in an eco-system, in...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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Marine Strategy Framework Directive. task group 8 : report contaminants and pollution effects ArchiMer
Law, R.; Hanke, Georg; Angelidis, Michael; Batty, J.; Bignert, A.; Dachs, J.; Davies, I.; Denga, Y.; Duffek, A.; Herut, B.; Hylland, K.; Lepom, Peter; Leonards, P.; Mehtonen, J.; Piha, Henna; Roose, J.; Tronczynski, Jacek; Velikova, V.; Vethaak, D..
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) (MSFD) requires that the European Commission (by 15 July 2010) should lay down criteria and methodological standards to allow consistency in approach in evaluating the extent to which Good Environmental Status (GES) is being achieved. ICES and JRC were contracted to provide scientific support for the Commission in meeting this obligation. A total of 10 reports have been prepared relating to the descriptors of GES listed in Annex I of the Directive. Eight reports have been prepared by groups of independent experts coordinated by JRC and ICES in response to this contract. In addition, reports for two descriptors (Contaminants in fish and other seafood and Marine Litter) were written by expert groups...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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