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"Frozen evolution" of an RNA virus suggests accidental release as a potential cause of arbovirus re-emergence ArchiMer
Pascall, David J.; Nomikou, Kyriaki; Breard, Emmanuel; Zientara, Stephan; Filipe, Ana Da Silva; Hoffmann, Bernd; Jacquot, Maude; Singer, Joshua B.; De Clercq, Kris; Botner, Anette; Sailleau, Corinne; Viarouge, Cyril; Batten, Carrie; Puggioni, Giantonella; Ligios, Ciriaco; Savini, Giovanni; Van Rijn, Piet A.; Mertens, Peter P. C.; Biek, Roman; Palmarini, Massimo.
The mechanisms underlying virus emergence are rarely well understood, making the appearance of outbreaks largely unpredictable. Bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8), an arthropod-borne virus of ruminants, emerged in livestock in northern Europe in 2006, spreading to most European countries by 2009 and causing losses of billions of euros. Although the outbreak was successfully controlled through vaccination by early 2010, puzzlingly, a closely related BTV-8 strain re-emerged in France in 2015, triggering a second outbreak that is still ongoing. The origin of this virus and the mechanisms underlying its re-emergence are unknown. Here, we performed phylogenetic analyses of 164 whole BTV-8 genomes sampled throughout the two outbreaks. We demonstrate consistent...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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