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The AmP project: Comparing species on the basis of dynamic energy budget parameters 5
Marques, Goncalo M.; Augustine, Starrlight; Lika, Konstadia; Pecquerie, Laure; Domingos, Tiago; Kooijman, Sebastiaan A. L. M..
We developed new methods for parameter estimation-in-context and, with the help of 125 authors, built the AmP (Add-my-Pet) database of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models, parameters and referenced underlying data for animals, where each species constitutes one database entry. The combination of DEB parameters covers all aspects of energetics throughout the full organism's life cycle, from the start of embryo development to death by aging. The species-specific parameter values capture biodiversity and can now, for the first time, be compared between animals species. An important insight brought by the AmP project is the classification of animal energetics according to a family of related DEB models that is structured on the basis of the mode of metabolic...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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