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Southern Ocean frontal structure and sea-ice formation rates revealed by elephant seals ArchiMer
Charrassin, J. -b.; Hindell, M.; Rintoul, S. R.; Roquet, Fabien; Sokolov, S.; Biuw, M.; Costa, D.; Boehme, L.; Lovell, P.; Coleman, R.; Timmermann, R.; Meijers, A.; Meredith, M.; Park, Y. -h.; Bailleul, F.; Goebel, M.; Tremblay, Y; Bost, C. -a.; Mcmahon, C. R.; Field, I. C.; Fedak, M. A.; Guinet, C.
Polar regions are particularly sensitive to climate change, with the potential for significant feedbacks between ocean circulation, sea ice, and the ocean carbon cycle. However, the difficulty in obtaining in situ data means that our ability to detect and interpret change is very limited, especially in the Southern Ocean, where the ocean beneath the sea ice remains almost entirely unobserved and the rate of sea-ice formation is poorly known. Here, we show that southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) equipped with oceanographic sensors can measure ocean structure and water mass changes in regions and seasons rarely observed with traditional oceanographic platforms. In particular, seals provided a 30-fold increase in hydrographic profiles from the sea-ice...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antarctic circumpolar current; Instrumentation; Marine predators; Ocean observation; Sea-ice modeling.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Calibration procedures and first dataset of Southern Ocean chlorophyll a profiles collected by elephant seals equipped with a newly developed CTD-fluorescence tags ArchiMer
Guinet, Christophe; Xing, X.; Walker, E; Monestiez, P; Marchand, S.; Picard, Baptiste; Jaud, T.; Authier, Matthieu; Cotte, Cedric; Dragon, Ac; Diamond, E; Antoine, David; Lovell, P.; Blain, Stephane; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Claustre, Herve.
In situ observation of the marine environment has traditionally relied on ship-based platforms. The obvious consequence is that physical and biogeochemical properties have been dramatically undersampled, especially in the remote Southern Ocean (SO). The difficulty in obtaining in situ data represents the major limitations to our understanding, and interpretation of the coupling between physical forcing and the biogeochemical response. Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) equipped with a new generation of oceanographic sensors can measure ocean structure in regions and seasons rarely observed with traditional oceanographic platforms. Over the last few years, seals have allowed for a considerable increase in temperature and salinity profiles from the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Technical Note: Animal-borne CTD-Satellite Relay Data Loggers for real-time oceanographic data collection ArchiMer
Boehme, L.; Lovell, P.; Biuw, M.; Roquet, Fabien; Nicholson, J.; Thorpe, S. E.; Meredith, M. P.; Fedak, M..
The increasing need for continuous monitoring of the world oceans has stimulated the development of a range of autonomous sampling platforms. One novel addition to these approaches is a small, relatively inexpensive data-relaying device that can be deployed on marine mammals to provide vertical oceanographic profiles throughout the upper 2000 m of the water column. When an animal dives, the CTD-Satellite Relay Data Logger (CTD-SRDL) records vertical profiles of temperature, conductivity and pressure. Data are compressed once the animal returns to the surface where it is located by, and relays data to, the Argos satellite system. The technical challenges met in the design of the CTD-SRDL are the maximising of energy efficiency and minimising size, whilst...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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