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The vector potential of haemaphysalis longicornis ticks for babesia microti parasites under experimental condition 19
Kusakisako, K.; Maeda, H.; Galay, R.L.; Matsuo, T.; Tsujio, M.; Umemiya-Shirafuji, R.; Mochizuki, M.; Fujisaki, K.; Tanaka, T..
Palavras-chave: Babesia microti; Haemaphysalis longicornis; Transmission test; Vector.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Palangre de fondo en el Mar Argentino. Parte I. Resultados de los lances efectuados por el buque pesquero Koei-Maru n° 10 20
Maeda, H.; Ercoli, R.; Fukada, K..
Some trials were made to find the substituting fishing method for bottom trawling to exploit the goundfishes in the Argentine Sea, especially those on the untrawlable grounds. The high sea bottom longlinning is one of the most prospective methods for this purpose. The present report dealt with the results of the trials of the bottom linglining conducted by the Koei-Maru n° 10, a Japanese commercial high sea bottom longliner of unique design, during the period from Oct. 25 to Dec.13 in 1987 along the outer edge of the continental shelf of the latitudes of 40 to 50 degrees south.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing gear; Longlining; Experimental fishing; Fishing gear; Http://
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Palangre de fondo en el Mar Argentino. Parte II. Resultados de los lances efectuados por el buque de investigación pesquera "Dr. Eduardo L.Holmberg". 20
Maeda, H.; Ercoli, R.; Fukada, K.; Garcia, J.C..
Bathymetric changes in groundfish catch composition are analyzed, on the basis of routine reports of 106 bottom longline strings. The project was conducted from 12 December 1986 to 29 November 1987, covering areas from coastal waters to the outer shelf of the continental shelf off Argentina from 36° to 55°S. As a preliminary step to the analysis, the validity of each factor as probable explanatory variable in each area, was analyzed with consideration as to their range and variation. Obtained results show that the kingclip (Genypterus blacodes), a main objective of the project, could become one of the most profitable target species of the high-sea bottom longline, in areas along the outer edge of the continental shelf, at bottom depths slightly below 200...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Longlining; Experimental fishing; Demersal fisheries; Demersal fisheries; Http://
Ano: 1994 URL:
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