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Lake Bourget regional erosion patterns reconstruction reveals Holocene NW European Alps soil evolution and paleohydrology 5
Arnaud, Fabien; Revillon, Sidonie; Debret, Maxime; Revel, Marie; Chapron, Emmanuel; Jacob, Jeremy; Giguet-covex, Charline; Poulenard, Jerome; Magny, Michel.
Two well-dated ca Holocene-long sedimentary sequences from deepest parts of Lake Bourget provide new insights onto the evolution of erosion patterns at a regional scale in NW European Alps. The combination of high resolution geochemistry - XRF core scanning, calibrated by 150 punctual measurements - and isotope geochemistry (epsilon Nd) of the terrigenous fraction permitted the reconstruction not only of the intensity, but also the type (physical erosion vs. chemical weathering) and the location (Prealpine massifs vs. High Crystalline massifs) of dominant erosion processes. Those data point the persistency of weak erosion fluxes from 9600 to 5500 cal. BP due both to a dry climate and the growing sheltering effect of soils that rapidly progressed between...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Holocene; Alps; Erosion; Soil dynamics; Paleohydrology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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North-south palaeohydrological contrasts in the central Mediterranean during the Holocene: tentative synthesis and working hypotheses 5
Magny, Michel; Combourieu Nebout, Nathalie; De Beaulieu, Jacques-louis; Bout-roumazeilles, Viviane; Colombaroli, D.; Desprat, Stephanie; Francke, A.; Joannin, Sebastien; Ortu, Elena; Peyron, Odile; Revel, Marie; Sadori, Laura; Siani, Giuseppe; Sicre, Marie-alexandrine; Samartin, S.; Simonneau, A.; Tinner, Willy; Vanniere, Boris; Wagner, B.; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Brugiapaglia, E.; Chapron, Emmanuel; Debret, Maxime; Desmet, Marc; Didier, Jean; Essallami, Latifa; Galop, D.; Gilli, A.; Haas, J.n.; Kallel, Nejib; Millet, L.; Stock, Andy; Turon, Jean-louis; Wirth, S..
On the basis of a multi-proxy approach and a strategy combining lacustrine and marine records along a north-south transect, data collected in the central Mediterranean within the framework of a collaborative project have led to reconstruction of high-resolution and well-dated palaeohydrological records and to assessment of their spatial and temporal coherency. Contrasting patterns of palaeohydrological changes have been evidenced in the central Mediterranean: south (north) of around 40 degrees N of latitude, the middle part of the Holocene was characterised by lake-level maxima (minima), during an interval dated to ca. 10 300-4500 cal BP to the south and 9000-4500 cal BP to the north. Available data suggest that these contrasting palaeohydrological...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Precipitation changes in the Mediterranean basin during the Holocene from terrestrial and marine pollen records: a model-data comparison 5
Peyron, Odile; Combourieu-nebout, Nathalie; Brayshaw, David; Goring, Simon; Andrieu-ponel, Valerie; Desprat, Stephanie; Fletcher, Will; Gambin, Belinda; Ioakim, Chryssanthi; Joannin, Sebastien; Kotthoff, Ulrich; Kouli, Katerina; Montade, Vincent; Pross, Jörg; Sadori, Laura; Magny, Michel.
Climate evolution of the Mediterranean region during the Holocene exhibits strong spatial and temporal variability, which is notoriously difficult for models to reproduce. We propose here a new proxy-based climate synthesis synthesis and its comparison -at a regional (similar to 100 km) level - with a regional climate model to examine (i) opposing northern and southern precipitation regimes and (ii) an east-to-west precipitation dipole during the Holocene across the Mediterranean basin. Using precipitation estimates in-ferred from marine and terrestrial pollen archives, we focus on the early to mid-Holocene (8000 to 6000 cal yr BP) and the late Holocene (4000 to 2000 cal yr BP), to test these hypotheses on a Mediterranean-wide scale. Special attention was...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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