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Temporary immersion biorreators: efficient technique for the propagation of the ‘Pircinque’ strawberry 94
Camargo,Samila Silva; Rufato,Leo; Magro,Maicon; Souza,André Luiz Kulkamp de.
Abstract The in vitro propagation technique via temporary immersion bioreactors is a tool that, through the culture in a liquid medium, allows an increase in the efficiency of seedling production. Several researches with the strawberry crop have shown greater efficiency of the system compared to the conventional process of micropropagation in solid medium. In this sense, the objective herein was to establish a protocol of multiplication and rooting of the ‘Pircinque’ strawberry, in temporary immersion bioreactors. Two distinct and independent studies were carried out, characterized by the multiplication and rooting stages of strawberry explants, newly introduced and registered in Brazil. Two culture media (MS and KNOP) were studied and, as a control...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragaria Ananassa; Micropropagation; Automation; Liquid medium.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Study on the growth and spatial distribution of the root system of different european pear cultivars on quince rootstock combinations 94
Machado,Bruno Dalaz; Magro,Maicon; Souza,Deivid Silva de; Rufato,Leo; Kretzschmar,Aike Anneliese.
Abstract Information on root development is an essential tool capable of identifying, among plants of a species, the one that has the greatest capacity to potentiate growth and development characteristics in its aerial part. The aim of this study was to characterize the distribution of the root system throughout the soil profile of different European pear cultivars and quince rootstock combinations on medium plant density systems (2500 plants ha-1). The combinations evaluated were: Abbè Fetel/Adams, Clapp´s Favourite/EMA, Santa Maria/Adams, Rocha/Adams, Decana du Comice/Adams, Packham´s Triumph/EMA, Packham´s Triumph/Adams and Conference/ Adams. In relation to effective depth, it was observed that up to 40 cm deep, 80% of the total root length and 83% of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pyrus communis L.; Cydonia oblonga L.; Root.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Compatibilidade fenotípica entre cultivares de pereiras europeias eporta-enxertos de marmeleiro 65
Machado,Bruno Dalazen; Magro,Maicon; Rufato,Leo; Bogo,Amauri; Kreztschmar,Aike Anneliese; Simões,Fabiano.
A cultura da pereira (Pyrus communisL.) possui grande potencial de expansão no sul do Brasil devido às condições climáticas e de solo. A carência de informações a respeito da(s) melhor(es) combinação(ões) de cultivares 'copa de pereiras europeias' e porta-enxertos de marmeleiro em relação à compatibilidade de enxertia é um dos fatores que tem limitado o cultivo de pera no país. A utilização de porta-enxertos de marmeleiros apresentam as vantagens de redução do vigor e rápida entrada em produção, porém, quando enxertados com algumas cultivares de 'pereira europeia', pode acarretar incompatibilidade de enxertia. O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar fenotipicamente a compatibilidade morfológica entre cultivares 'copa de pereiras europeias' e...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pyrus communis; União vascular; Níveis de compatibilidade; Vigor; Incompatibilidade 'localizada'; Incompatibilidade 'translocada'.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Effect of shoot topping intensity on 'Cabernet Franc' grapevine maturity in high-altitude region 86
Würz,Douglas André; Marcon Filho,José Luiz; Brighenti,Alberto Fontanella; Allebrandt,Ricardo; Bem,Betina Pereira de; Magro,Maicon; Rufato,Leo; Kretzschmar,Aike Anneliese.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition of 'Cabernet Franc' grape subjected to different levels of shoot topping. The experiment was conducted in the 2008 and 2009 vintages, and the levels of shoot topping consisted of: control, without topping; and reductions of 15, 30, and 45% in total leaf area. The effect of shoot topping intensity on the chemical composition of the 'Cabernet Franc' grape berries was observed. A reduction of 26% in the vegetative canopy through a moderate shoot topping increased the total polyphenol index and the anthocyanin content. Shoot topping is a practice that must be carried out with caution, since severe shoot topping, i.e., a reduction greater than 26% of the leaf area, may negatively...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitis vinifera; Courdec 3309; Summer pruning; Vegetative growth..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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