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Response of methanogenic archaea to Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate changes in the Siberian Arctic 21
Bischoff, Juliane; Mangelsdorf, Kai; Gattinger, Andreas; Schloter, Michael; Kurchatova, Anna; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Wagner, Dirk.
In order to investigate the link between the methane dynamics in permafrost deposits and climate changes in the past, we studied the abundance,composition and methane production of methanogenic communities in Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of the Siberian Arctic. We detected intervals of increased methane concentrations in Late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits along a 42 ka old permafrost sequence from Kurungnakh Island in the Lena Delta (northeast Siberia). Increased amounts of archaeal life markers (intact phospholipid ethers) and a high variety in genetic fingerprints detected by 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene analyses of methanogenic archaea suggest presently living and presumably active methanogenic archaea in distinct layers...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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