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Circulation and water mass transports on the East Antarctic shelf in the Mertz Glacier region ArchiMer
Martin, Antoine; Houssais, Marie-noelle; Le Goff, Herve; Marec, Claudie; Dausse, Denis.
The East Antarctic shelf off Adélie-George V Land is known to be an important region for Dense Shelf Water (DSW) formation as a result of intense sea ice production in the Mertz Glacier Polynya during the winter season. It is also a region where the warm modified Circumpolar Deep Water (mCDW) penetrates onto the shelf during the summer. Using hydrographic observations from a summer survey in 2008 we implement a box inverse model to propose a comprehensive view of the steady state circulation on this shelf in summer. Additional information from mooring observations collected on the depression slope is used to provide context to the retrieved circulation scheme. Over the depression slope, the summer baroclinic structure of the currents is found to contrast...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antarctica; Continental shelf; Modified Circumpolar Deep Water; Heat transport; Freshwater transport; Adelie Georges V Land.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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