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Correlation between API 20 STREP and multiplex PCR for identification of Enterococcus spp. isolated from Brazilian foods 58
Gomes,Bruna C.; Esteves,Carolina T.; Palazzo,Izabel C.V.; Darini,Ana Lúcia C.; Franco,Bernadette D.G.M.; Martinis,Elaine C.P. de.
We evaluated the suitability of API 20 STREP and multiplex PCR to speciate 52 Enterococcus spp. obtained from Brazilian foods. A high percentage of isolates (78.9%) presented discrepant results between evaluated tests. Similar results were obtained for six E. faecalis and five E. faecium. The PCR multiplex was more effective than API 20 STREP for complete identification of the isolates.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Enterococcus spp.; Identification; API 20 STREP; PCR multiplex; Foods.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Fate of Helicobacter pylori artificially inoculated in lettuce and carrot samples 58
Gomes,Bruna C.; Martinis,Elaine C.P. de.
Helicobacter pylori is known, worldwide, as the causative agent of gastric diseases. However, its transmission route has not been completely understood. To evaluate the survival of H. pylori (a clinical and a reference strain) artificially inoculated on lettuce and carrot samples, portions of 25 g were inoculated with approximately 10(6) CFU/g of H. pylori and packed under normal and/or modified atmosphere (3% oxygen, 10% carbon dioxide, and 87% nitrogen). The inoculated food samples were stored at 8ºC, with daily enumeration of H. pylori populations on Columbia blood agar (CBA) and/ or Helicobacter pylori Special Peptone Agar (HPSPA). When CBA with antibiotics was used, the clinical isolate H. pylori HP1 was detected for up to 72 h in sanitized lettuce...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: H. pylori; Peptic ulcer; Modified atmosphere; Vegetable.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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