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Aggression supersedes individual oxygen demand to drive group air-breathing in a social catfish 5
Killen, Shaun S.; Esbaugh, Andrew J.; Martins, Nicolas F.; Rantin, F. Tadeu; Mckenzie, David J..
1. Group-living is widespread among animals and comes with numerous costs and benefits. To date, research examining group-living has focused on trade-offs surrounding foraging, while other forms of resource acquisition have been largely overlooked. 2. Air-breathing has evolved in many fish lineages, allowing animals to obtain oxygen in hypoxic aquatic environments. Breathing air increases the threat of predation, so some species perform group air-breathing, to reduce individual risk. Within species, individual air-breathing can be influenced by metabolic rate as well as personality, but the mechanisms of group air-breathing remain unexplored. It is conceivable that keystone individuals with high metabolic demand or intrinsic tendency to breathe air may...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Air-breathing fish; Ecophysiology; Group-living; Keystone individuals; Metabolic rate; Social behaviour.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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