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The dinoflagellate cyst genera Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and Spiniferites Mantell 1850 in Pliocene to modern sediments: a summary of round table discussions ArchiMer
Mertens, Kenneth; Van Nieuwenhove, Nicolas; Gurdebeke, Pieter R.; Aydin, Hilal; Bogus, Kara; Bringue, Manuel; Dale, Barrie; De Schepper, Stijn; De Vernal, Anne; Ellegaard, Marianne; Grothe, Arjen; Gu, Haifeng; Head, Martin J.; Heikkila, Maija; Limoges, Audrey; Londeix, Laurent; Louwye, Stephen; Marret, Fabienne; Masure, Edwige; Matsuoka, Kazumi; Mudie, Peta J.; Penaud, Aurelie; Pospelova, Vera; Price, Andrea Michelle; Ribeiro, Sofia; Rochon, Andre; Sangiorgi, Francesca; Schreck, Michael; Torres, Vladimir; Uzar, Serdar; Versteegh, Gerard J. M.; Warny, Sophie; Zonneveld, Karin.
We present a summary of two round-table discussions held during two subsequent workshops in Montreal (Canada) on 16 April 2014 and Ostend (Belgium) on 8 July 2015. Five species of the genus Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and 33 of the genus Spiniferites Mantell 1850 emend. Sarjeant 1970 occuring in Pliocene to modern sediments are listed and briefly described along with remarks made by workshop participants. In addition, several holotypes and topotypes are reillustrated. Three species previously assigned to Spiniferites are here considered/accepted as belonging to other genera: Impagidinium inaequalis (Wall and Dale in Wall et al. 1973) Londeix et al. 2009, Spiniferites? rubinus (Rossignol 1962 ex Rossignol 1964) Sarjeant 1970, and Thalassiphora balcanica...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spiniferites; Achomosphaera; Hafniasphaera; Rottnestia; Pterocysta.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Taxonomic revision of Spiniferites elongatus (the resting stage of Gonyaulax elongata ) based on morphological and molecular analyses ArchiMer
Van Nieuwenhove, Nicolas; Potvin, Eric; Heikkila, Maija; Pospelova, Vera; Mertens, Kenneth; Masure, Edwige; Kucharska, Malgorzata; Yang, Eun Jin; Chomerat, Nicolas; Zajaczkowski, Marek.
We restudied the morphological complex comprising the cyst-based species Spiniferites elongatus/Spiniferites frigidus/Rottnestia amphicavata. We reviewed existing studies, and acquired new morphometric measurements of recent cysts from across the Northern Hemisphere, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations of cysts from Barents Sea surface sediments, and genetic analyses of cysts from the Beaufort Sea. The measurements suggest that populations and morphospecies cannot be distinguished based on morphometric criteria. Furthermore, sequential sediment trap samples from Hudson Bay reveal that morphological variation can occur at the same location over a few weeks, arguing against a uniform morphological response to environmental parameters. The SEM...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Single-cell PCR; Spiniferites ellipsoideus; Spiniferites frigidus; Rottnestia amphicavata; Morphologic variability; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Dinoflagellate fossils: Geological and biological applications ArchiMer
Penaud, Aurelie; Hardy, William; Lambert, Clement; Marret, Fabienne; Masure, Edwige; Seryais, Thomas; Siano, Raffaele; Wary, Melanie; Mertens, Kenneth.
Dinoflagellates are part of the marine plankton and about 200 species produce a cyst (dinocyst) during their life cycle, these organic-walled sexually-produced cysts being fossilizable in sediments for hundreds of millions of years. Over the past 40–50 years, dinocysts have led to major advances on Mesozoic-Cenozoic research, in terms of biostratigraphy and paleogeogeography. Dinocyst taxonomy has then been continuously revised, with the tabulation being the main morphological link between living dinoflagellates and fossilized cysts. Over the Quaternary, and based on the principle of uniformitarianism (i.e. species ecology did not change through time), relationships between modern assemblages and present-day environmental factors controlling their...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dinoflagellate; Cyst-motile stage relationship; Modern dinocyst distribution; Paleoecology; Biostratigraphy; Ancient DNA.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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