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Farm-level data integration: future problems and consequences for public and private structures 31
Mayer, Walter H..
One of the outcomes of the EC-FP7 project “Future Farm” was showing the need of INTEGRATION, something that PROGIS has been doing for 15 years. Within the whole sector agriculture–forestry-environment-risk management there is an enormous need for integration that is not available yet, because of on side the existing admin-sector-structures plus on the other side diverse public and/or private interests with opposite directions and in many cases the not streamlined interest of ALL involved parties. On the other hand we have the nature that is fully integrated and should be managed by us! Nothing happens without being related to something else within the nature. We have to be more aware of this and have also to understand that ICT will be the driver of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Commons; Farm management; Valuation of land; ICT; Farm Management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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FutureFarm vision 31
Charvat, Karel; Gnip, Pavel; Mayer, Walter H..
This paper defines the first version of a vision of Future Farming project and also a knowledge management system used by European farms which will be designed and developed by the Future Farm project. An important part of the vision is a definition of external drivers and their influence on farm business in future. Paper is looking on a situation in three periods: short (2013), middle (2020) and long-term (2030). Our vision expects that the farming system will continuously converge to the situation of two types of farm: an industrial farm, which will guarantee both the food safety and the food security for European citizens, and multifunctional farms focused on environment protection. The recommendation proposes an architecture based on communication of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farming; External drivers; Future vision; Knowledge management; SOA; Farm Management.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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