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Modeling the barotropic tides in the strait of sicily and tunisian shelf 5
Molines, Jm.
In order to check the sea-level variability in the vicinity of Lampedusa Island (in the frame of Topex/Poseidon altimeter calibration), a numerical model of the tides for the Strait of Sicily and adjacent area has been performed. Cotidal and co-range charts for the main diurnal and semidiurnal constituents are drawn and the model results are compared with in situ data. Position of amphidromes for these constituents is also clarified: a strong semidiurnal resonance observed in the Gulf of Gabes is well reproduced in the model. Semidiurnal tidal currents are found to be important at the Adventure Bank (South-West of Sicily) and in the Gulf of Gabes. Diurnal tidal current, dominant on Adventure Bank, are due to energy trapped around the Western extremity of...
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Assimilation of geosat data into a quasi-geostrophic model of the north-atlantic between 20-degrees and 50-degrees-N - preliminary-results 5
Verron, J; Molines, Jm; Blayo, E.
Geosat altimeter residuals of the sea surface height (RSSH) are combined with the mean sea surface computed from the non-linear inverse model by Mercier et al. (1991) to provide a synthetic data set of the along-track sea-surface height over the North Atlantic during the period from 5 November 1986 to 2 December 1987. This data set is assimilated into a predictive numerical model of the North Atlantic circulations between 20-degrees and 50-degrees-N. The model is quasigeostrophic, four-layered and has realistic coastline and topography. The ocean circulation is forced by a constant wind stress curl from Hellerman and Rosenstein's data (1983). Nudging is the assimilation technique used to insert sea-surface data information into the model and is carried out...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1992 URL:
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