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A two-dimensional particle tracking model for pollution dispersion in A Coruna and Vigo Rias (NW Spain) 5
Gomez-gesteira, M; Montero, P; Prego, R; Taboada, Jj; Leitao, P; Ruiz-villarreal, M; Neves, R; Perez-villar, V.
A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model coupled to a particle tracking model is applied to study the dispersion processes and residence time in two Galician rias (A Coruna and Vigo, NW Spain) under summer conditions. In A Coruna a long residence time was found in the harbour area due to the existence of a dock, and a short one in the river area. On the contrary, in Vigo, the residence time is smaller in the harbour area, due to the Rande Strait, beyond which the river effect is negligible.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle bidimensionnel; Traceur passif; Circulation résiduelle; Pollution; Rias de Galice; Two-dimensional model; Passive tracers; Residual currents; Pollution; Galician rias.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Fat content and fillet shape of Atlantic salmon: Relevance for processing yield and quality of raw and smoked products 5
Morkore, T; Vallet, Jean-luc; Cardinal, Mireille; Gomez Guillen, M; Montero, P; Torrissen, O; Nortvedt, R; Sigurgisladottir, S; Thomassen, M.
Relevance of fat content and fillet shape of Atlantic salmon for quality and yield during smoking processing was investigated. Fat content significantly influenced quality of raw and smoked products, although the interactions varied according to the raw material used and smoking temperature. In raw and smoked fillets, increasing fat content coincided with increasing L* and b*-values and decreasing fat holding capacity. In smoked salmon, fat content also correlated positively to the a*-value, smoke-intensity-/wood-fire flavor and fatty texture, and negatively to water holding capacity and shear-force. Weight loss during salting and smoking decreased with increasing fat content, and voluminous shaped fillets gave higher yield than slim fillets.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Processing; Salmon quality; Fillet shape; Fat content; Atlantic salmon.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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