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Early remodeling of rat cardiac muscle induced by swimming training BJMBR
Verzola,R.M.M.; Mesquita,R.A.; Peviani,S.; Ramos,O.H.P.; Moriscot,A.S.; Perez,S.E.A.; Selistre-de-Araújo,H.S..
The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of acute swimming training with an anaerobic component on matrix metallopeptidase (MMP) activity and myosin heavy chain gene expression in the rat myocardium. Animals (male Wistar rats, weighing approximately 180 g) were trained for 6 h/day in 3 sessions of 2 h each for 1 to 5 consecutive days (N = 5 rats per group). Rats swam in basins 47 cm in diameter and 60 cm deep filled with water at 33 to 35ºC. After the training period a significant increase (P < 0.05) was observed in the heart weight normalized to body weight by about 22 and 35% in the groups that trained for 96 and 120 h, respectively. Blood lactate levels were significantly increased (P < 0.05) in all groups after all training...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Myosin heavy chain expression; Training; Real time PCR; Rat myocardium; Muscle hypertrophy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Cyclosporin A preferentially attenuates skeletal slow-twitch muscle regeneration BJMBR
Miyabara,E.H.; Aoki,M.S.; Moriscot,A.S..
Calcineurin, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase, is associated with muscle regeneration via NFATc1/GATA2-dependent pathways. However, it is not clear whether calcineurin preferentially affects the regeneration of slow- or fast-twitch muscles. We investigated the effect of a calcineurin inhibitor, cyclosporin A (CsA), on the morphology and fiber diameter of regenerating slow- and fast-twitch muscles. Adult Wistar rats (259.5 ± 9 g) maintained under standard conditions were treated with CsA (20 mg/kg body weight, ip) for 5 days, submitted to cryolesion of soleus and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles on the 6th day, and then treated with CsA for an additional 21 days. The muscles were removed, weighed, frozen, and stored in liquid nitrogen. Cryolesion did...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Calcineurin; Cyclosporin A; Regeneration; Fast and slow twitch muscles.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The E3 ligase MuRF2 plays a key role in the functional capacity of skeletal muscle fibroblasts BJMBR
Silvestre,J.G.; Baptista,I.L.; Silva,W.J.; Cruz,A.; Silva,M.T.; Miyabara,E.H.; Labeit,S.; Moriscot,A.S..
Fibroblasts are a highly heterogeneous population of cells, being found in a large number of different tissues. These cells produce the extracellular matrix, which is essential to preserve structural integrity of connective tissues. Fibroblasts are frequently engaged in migration and remodeling, exerting traction forces in the extracellular matrix, which is crucial for matrix deposition and wound healing. In addition, previous studies performed on primary myoblasts suggest that the E3 ligase MuRF2 might function as a cytoskeleton adaptor. Here, we hypothesized that MuRF2 also plays a functional role in skeletal muscle fibroblasts. We found that skeletal muscle fibroblasts express MuRF2 and its siRNA knock-down promoted decreased fibroblast migration, cell...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fibroblast; Skeletal muscle; Migration; MuRF2; E3 ligase; Wound healing.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Cyclosporin-A does not affect skeletal muscle mass during disuse and recovery BJMBR
Aoki,M.S.; Miyabara,E.H.; Soares,A.G.; Salvini,T.F.; Moriscot,A.S..
Cyclosporin-A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive drug that acts as an inhibitor of calcineurin, a calcium phosphatase that has been suggested to play a role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of CsA administration (25 mg kg-1 day-1) on skeletal muscle mass and phenotype during disuse and recovery. Male Wistar rats received vehicle (N = 8) or CsA (N = 8) during hind limb immobilization (N = 8) and recovery (N = 8). Muscle weight (dry/wet) and cross-sectional area were evaluated to verify the effect of CsA treatment on muscle mass. Muscle phenotype was assessed by histochemistry of myosin ATPase. CsA administration during immobilization and recovery did not change muscle/body weight ratio in the soleus (SOL)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calcineurin; Immobilization; Recovery; Skeletal muscle; Hypertrophy; Cyclosporin-A.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Hypercaloric cafeteria-like diet induced UCP3 gene expression in skeletal muscle is impaired by hypothyroidism BJMBR
Christoffolete,M.A.; Moriscot,A.S..
The uncoupling protein UCP3 belongs to a family of mitochondrial carriers located in the inner mitochondrial membrane of certain cell types. It is expressed almost exclusively at high levels in skeletal muscle and its physiological role has not been fully determined in this tissue. In the present study we have addressed the possible interaction between a hypercaloric diet and thyroid hormone (T3), which are strong stimulators of UCP3 gene expression in skeletal muscle. Male Wistar rats weighing 180 ± 20 g were rendered hypothyroid by thyroidectomy and the addition of methimazole (0.05%; w/v) to drinking water after surgery. The rats were fed a hypercaloric cafeteria diet (68% carbohydrates, 13% protein and 18% lipids) for 10 days and sacrificed by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Thyroid hormone; Hypothyroidism; Hypercaloric diet; Uncoupling protein; UCP3.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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