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Germination and seedling emergence associated with the size and pelleting process of quinoa seeds Sci. Agrar.Paran. / SAP
Bomfim, Guilherme Francisco Alves; de Vasconcelos, Edmar Soares; Cazzo, Victor Natan; Oliveira, Giovani Andreazza de.
This work has been performed with the aim of verifying the existing relation between the size of the quinoa seeds and their pelleting in lab germination and emergence of seedlings in field. First, the experiment has been conducted in laboratory, using completely randomized design (DIC) with incomplete factorial scheme 2 x (4 or 3). Then, it has been conducted to field, using randomized block design (DBC) with subdivided portions, in four repetitions and with scheme of 2 x (3 or 2). The statistical analyses have been calculated using the software R, followed by the analysis of variance followed by the Tukey average test in 5% of error probability. According to the performed tests, when put into lab environment, bigger quinoa seeds present higher germination...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peletização; Índice de velocidade de emergência; Germinação; Quinoa..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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