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Investigation of the association between clinical outcome and the cag pathogenicity-island and other virulence genes of Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients with dyspepsia in Eastern Turkey BJM
Ozbey,Gokben; Demirel,Ulvi; Aygun,Cem; Ertas,Hasan Basri.
The aims of our work were to determine the presence of the cag pathogenicity-island (cag PAI) and other virulence genes of Helicobacter pylori recovered from patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer, and to investigate the correlation of these virulence genes with clinical outcome. The presence of the cagA, the promoter regions of cagA, cagE, cagT, and the left end of cag-PAI (LEC), cag right junction (cagRJ), the plasticity region open reading frames (ORFs), vacA and oipA genes among 69 H. pylori isolates were determined by polymerase chain reaction. Intact cag PAI was detected in only one (1.4%) isolate. The cagA gene was identified in 52.1% and 76.2% of isolates from patients with dyspepsia (gastritis and peptic ulcer), respectively. The plasticity...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Helicobacter pylori; Gastritis; Peptic ulcer; Cag pathogenicity-island; Polymerase chain reaction.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Prevalence of genotypes in Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients in eastern Turkey and the association of these genotypes with clinical outcome BJM
Ozbey,Gokben; Aygun,Cem.
There is not much information available regarding the prevalence of the genotypes of Helicobacter pylori isolates in Turkey, particularly in eastern Turkey. The aims of this study were to detect the prevalence of different genotypes of H. pylori in Turkish patients with gastrointestinal complaints and to determine the relationship of these genotypes with clinical outcome and sex. One hundred forty H. pylori isolates were examined for the presence of its genotypes by the PCR. We found that the prevalence of vacA s1, vacA s2, cagA, cagE, iceA1, iceA2 and babA2 genes were 88.6%, 11.4%, 71.4%, 35.7%, 41.4%, 58.6%, and 62.1%, respectively. The most predominant vacA subtype was s1a (81.4%). The most vacA allelic combination detected were vacA s1m1 (65.2%)and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Helicobacter pylori; Prevalence; Patient; Genotypes; PCR.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in children in eastern Turkey and molecular typing of isolates BJM
Ozbey,Gokben; Dogan,Yasar; Demiroren,Kaan; Ozercan,Ibrahim Hanifi.
The objectives of the present study were to determine Helicobacter pylori via culture, polymerase chain reaction and histopathological diagnosis in 101 children ranging in age from 4 to 18 years, to identify the association among restriction fragment length polymorphism types and clinical disease and to investigate the relationships among different isolates of H. pylori in different age groups. We observed a high prevalence of H. pylori infections in children between the ages of 13 and 18 (75.8%), while children aged 4 to 6 years had the lowest prevalence of infection (40%). H. pylori was detected in 30.7% (31 of 101), 66.3% (67 of 101) and 63.2% (60 of 95) of children as determined by culture methods, PCR and histological examination, respectively. H....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Children; Culture; Helicobacter pylori; PCR-RFLP.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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