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Correction and Accuracy of High- and Low-Resolution CTD Data from Animal-Borne Instruments ArchiMer
Siegelman, Lia; Roquet, Fabien; Mensah, Vigan; Riviere, Pascal; Pauthenet, Etienne; Picard, Baptiste; Guinet, Christophe.
Most available CTD Satellite Relay Data Logger (CTD-SRDL) profiles are heavily compressed before satellite transmission. High-resolution profiles recorded at the sampling frequency of 0.5 Hz are, however, available upon physical retrieval of the logger. Between 2014 and 2018, several loggers deployed on elephant seals in the Southern Ocean have been set in continuous recording mode, capturing both the ascent and descent for over 60 profiles per day during several months, opening new horizons for the physical oceanography community. Taking advantage of a new dataset made of seven such loggers, a postprocessing procedure is proposed and validated to improve the quality of all CTD-SRDL data: that is, both high-resolution profiles and compressed low-resolution...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Algorithms; Data processing; In situ oceanic observations.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Calibration procedures and first dataset of Southern Ocean chlorophyll a profiles collected by elephant seals equipped with a newly developed CTD-fluorescence tags ArchiMer
Guinet, Christophe; Xing, X.; Walker, E; Monestiez, P; Marchand, S.; Picard, Baptiste; Jaud, T.; Authier, Matthieu; Cotte, Cedric; Dragon, Ac; Diamond, E; Antoine, David; Lovell, P.; Blain, Stephane; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Claustre, Herve.
In situ observation of the marine environment has traditionally relied on ship-based platforms. The obvious consequence is that physical and biogeochemical properties have been dramatically undersampled, especially in the remote Southern Ocean (SO). The difficulty in obtaining in situ data represents the major limitations to our understanding, and interpretation of the coupling between physical forcing and the biogeochemical response. Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) equipped with a new generation of oceanographic sensors can measure ocean structure in regions and seasons rarely observed with traditional oceanographic platforms. Over the last few years, seals have allowed for a considerable increase in temperature and salinity profiles from the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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A Correction for the Thermal Mass-Induced Errors of CTD Tags Mounted on Marine Mammals ArchiMer
Mensah, Vigan; Roquet, Fabien; Siegelman-charbit, Lia; Picard, Baptiste; Pauthenet, Etienne; Guinet, Christophe.
The effect of thermal mass on the salinity estimate from conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) tags sensor mounted on marine mammals is documented, and a correction scheme is proposed to mitigate its impact. The algorithm developed here allows for a direct correction of the salinity data, rather than a correction of the sample's conductivity and temperature. The amplitude of the thermal mass-induced error on salinity and its correction are evaluated via comparison between data from CTD tags and from Sea-Bird Scientific CTD used as a reference. Thermal mass error on salinity appears to be generally O(10(-2)) g kg(-1), it may reach O(10(-1)) g kg(-1), and it tends to increase together with the magnitude of the cumulated temperature gradient (T-HP) within the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Data processing; In situ oceanic observations; Instrumentation; Sensors; Profilers; Oceanic.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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