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Otolith chemical fingerprints of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Indian Ocean: First insights into stock structure delineation 5
Artetxe-arrate, Iraide; Fraile, Igaratza; Farley, Jessica; Darnaude, Audrey M.; Clear, Naomi; Rodríguez-ezpeleta, Naiara; Dettman, David L.; Pécheyran, Christophe; Krug, Iñigo; Médieu, Anais; Ahusan, Mohamed; Proctor, Craig; Priatna, Asep; Lestari, Pratiwi; Davies, Campbell; Marsac, Francis; Murua, Hilario.
The chemical composition of otoliths (earbones) can provide valuable information about stock structure and connectivity patterns among marine fish. For that, chemical signatures must be sufficiently distinct to allow accurate classification of an unknown fish to their area of origin. Here we have examined the suitability of otolith microchemistry as a tool to better understand the spatial dynamics of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), a highly valuable commercial species for which uncertainties remain regarding its stock structure in the Indian Ocean. For this aim, we have compared the early life otolith chemical composition of young-of-the-year (<6 months) skipjack tuna captured from the three main nursery areas of the equatorial Indian Ocean (West,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2021 URL:
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